• 7 Posts
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 2nd, 2023


  • Yea, I try to be as nice as I can on the internet. There’s no reason to be an ass other than you’re miserable and want other people to be as well.

    It’s a mixed bag though, I’ve had some people be assholes but I ignore them if they have nothing of substance to say and focus on the positive communications.

    Also, blocking the Linux communities really helped my feed. Idk what it is about the Linux superiority complex. Although I feel like most of it comes from a good place, the delivery of the information usually isn’t the best.

  • All depends on your personality and possible HOA’s in a more populated area.

    Personally, I don’t have a problem being separated from people, and you don’t have to be lonely just because you’re away from people - animals can provide you company and keep you busy. I would go with the more recluse location as you can do what you with your property more so than in a neighborhood. Grow a garden, have a bon fire, and just generally have more freedom. Land and houses are generally cheaper a little farther out so that also helps. As long as you have a reliable mode of transportation then living farther away from people is my go to. Also, a plus if you work remote and don’t have to commute.

  • Yea you’re not wrong. The Republicans are playing the long game here. They’re really getting involved with the youth, I mean just look at rumble for example and whatever other medium they’ve been using. The Democrats are virtually non-existent it feels like on the social networking side of things or maybe it’s just the Right is obnoxiously loud. It’s scary man, if they can mobilize and weaponize the younger demographic voters then what does that spell for the short term (2028) or even the longer term when their ideals are fully cemented and are less likely to be swayed unless a serious upheaval happens.