• 4 Posts
Joined 4 months ago
Cake day: March 16th, 2024


  • Okay, get your guns! If I remember correctly from Project 2025, Trump wants to dispatch the military on the streets to stop the people from revolting against the christofascist dystopia he and his friends want to impose on others. Maybe you can be just like in the FPS games, and survive from health, weapon, and ammunition drops from the soldiers.

  • To my American friends: Please don’t give up hope yet! As the GOP is very closely communicating with Fidesz, they’re banking on activist burnout. They want to break you, so you not only won’t do anymore activism, but to maybe even join them finally in the hopes of getting something from them finally. After the next Trump victory, they’ll likely also copy one another thing from Hungary, namely the firing of leftists, to force them to convert to conservatism.

  • They’re concealing their true nature, and get a bunch of naïve moderates to clean their image. Jobbik did it in Hungary first, it even lead to the radicals splitting out the party under Mi Hazánk Mozgalom (Our Homeland Movement - technically a satellite party and the “bad cops” of Fidesz), and the moderates rebranding as more boring conservatives. Fidesz learned this tactic, and used it to make Trianon Revisionism seem like a “common cause”. Gamergate also did it the first round, the second round was just a literal reaction against any kind of inclusivity. The republicans are also doing it of course: Their average voter isn’t as evil as it seems, they’re just the naïve loyal voters, who think even if things go bad, they can just be removed from legislation. Which is true, but it will be hard if democracy is dismantled like in Hungary, and even then you can’t unlegislate ruined lives, the dead from their graves, the lost years people had to endure because of bad laws and no worker’s protections.

  • Similar thing happened in my country, Hungary. We have a de facto one party system, where outsiders are allowed to have an opinion, nothing much else. Sometimes they have suspiciously too many ties to Fidesz, like Munkáspárt 2006 and Mi Hazánk Mozgalom. Corporations not being subservient to Fidesz are being harassed by law enforcement, the tax agency, and the media agency, only a few left as a way to show not everyone is with Fidesz, but often at the cost of them not getting any subsidies, etc. Meanwhile, Fidesz has clever ways to subvert even its own laws. They limit campaign spendings, but have at least 2 GONGOs pumping out ads for them.

    Good luck, maybe the RNC won’t forbid anyone left of Mussolini from owning guns, or maybe you can just wait until the US implodes and Canada will run to your help instead of Russia and/or China.

  • Basically it is going the following way:

    • Company gets AI to do stuff.
    • Company fires its workforce.
    • AI isn’t up to the task, and often disliked by people, see its unpopularity in the arts.
    • Company has to rehire staff, first to try to salvage the AI’s output, then to just go back to the good old days of human creativity.

    AI isn’t magic, no matter how much techbros try to humanize the technology because NeuRAl nEtWOrKs.