Unfortunately, that seems to be the process. You make arguments, hope it gets someone’s brain gears turning a bit. Maybe next time around they do or say something different. One doesn’t deprogram from any single online comment. I’m pretty sure that a few years ago I’d have thought and said what ModestMeme did.
That’s the sad part. They only get the first half right. 😂
“We’re all spending a lot of money that we could be spending on other things that are actually, hopefully much more productive,” Trump said.
I do and I think the party has tools to whip them into shape if they wished to. E.g. threatening to do their job by investigating the conflict of interest issues of Manchin’s wife. Or paying them off. You know, if they wanted to I’m sure they could have found options. The Republican party demonstrated a few of those for whipping their own. But I think a much more plausible explanation is that the vast majority of owner class donors to the Democratic party were happy with them failing to whip Manchin and Sinema into voting with the party.
Holy fucking receipts mackerel! Well done. This is going into my archive for future reference. 🙏
On a less exciting note, this perfectly demonstrates how the ratchet works. Republicans take a step benefiting the owner class, then Democrats plan to undo it but somehow fail keeping a veneer of plausible deniability. Rinse and repeat while the working class gets poorer and poorer.
Clearly that wasn’t enough. So perhaps people should not be discouraged to beat the Democratic party into shape so that hopefully next time around they do more instead of less than enough. Because if the Democrats change nothing and win by default next time due to the Republican clown car running off the cliff, we’re gonna be playing the same game again in the next-next election. And the ratchet clicks to the right a few more notches.
You’re making this out to be as if what the alternative is offering to voters doesn’t matter.
Didn’t Democrats hold the house and senate for 2 years?
This is about extending Trump’s existing tax cuts. Cuts that were not cancelled by Biden throughout his mandate. So sure, they didn’t enact them but they did inact on them once they had the power.
The long term downsides won’t affect them much.
Since the project is already okay with Github, perhaps a set of polls in Github with this feature, linked far and wide in Lemmy.
That’s a great point and a really low hanging fruit that would likely help with adoption and retention. The defaults weren’t great for me either.
If people went as far as registering in a Lemmy instance, they clearly have some affinity towards the Fediverse. Getting through Fediverse to work nicely for them is what bridges the gap. It’s the same with anything people do. Better defaults is a trivial low hanging fruit that can help perhaps significantly.
There’s faster ways to get data. We can do a few surveys on existing users. We’ll get hundreds of responses easily. Perhaps multiple surveys, one for each setting.
Thank your for your service. 🙏 Building a community takes work. Let’s hope this one is more resilient to corpo-lobotomize than Reddit, Digg and Slashdot.
Why did you do that to yourself… 🥹
AFAIK the American plants use inputs from Taiwan. I don’t know what inputs exactly.
Interesting. They already make their motherboards in Vietnam.
Oof, heavy shade. Well done! Makes the Fediverse sound cooler.