Music lover and English teacher with an interest in slightly geeky things

mastodon / blog / listenbrainz

  • 5 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 8th, 2023


  • If I’m correct, that would mean that technically, I could authenticate to an SSH server without supplying my name if I use a private key?


    The public key contains a user name/email address string, I’m aware, is the same information also encoded into the private key as well? If yes, I don’t see the need to hand that info to an SSH call. If no, how does the SSH server know which public key it’s supposed to use to challenge my private key ownership?

    Most of this can be found reading through different Git docs, whether from GitHub, GitLab, Codeberg, Gitea, etc. When using Git you can use different keys for different repos/forges and each has a defined pair, similar to accessing different SSH servers that require specific key pairs. I do understand your questions, but I lack the finesse to explain it since I really only use SSH and Git for my blog and not for anything too complicated.

  • I skimmed the transcript. Here are some thoughts.

    Problem: Is there a male dating crisis?

    I am not young or dating. We do have friends that are 25 and under. They are men and they do complain a lot about the dating scene. I am also a professor and I work with 18 to 25 year-olds. I can only say that there is a greater sense of anxiety among these students and that they all pay much closer attention to their appearance than before.

    Cause: societal expectations and dating apps

    There are other things to note here. I do think changes occurred, and dating apps gave some people an unfair advantage and commodified dating. Leading up to the incel movement in the 90s and early 2000s, the idea of PUAs was already in full swing. That type of trend was, and still is, very toxic and I see how it messed up my brother-in-law (he still thinks negging his partner is a kind way to control her).

    I can’t speak for societal expectations. I have noticed that some of my male friends, who have been single since their 20s (they are 40+ now), have things in common: overweight/underweight, bald, low income, hobbies like video games.

    Possible Consequences: desperation, depression, gender standards, violence

    I can absolutely imagine at least 2 of my partner’s friends being violent. They talk about women using terms like “libtard” or make assumptions based on haircuts. They are becoming openly racist, especially when they see biracial couples.

    Another group of friends have given up on dating and now focus on their wellbeing and hobbies. They do not seem angry about their circumstances. If you ask them why they are single, they say they cannot afford a partner.

    Solutions: balance

    The responses are probably lacking. Balance might be a good idea. Pointing out double standards is a start. When speaking with couples in their 20s, I have heard some women state that it took them years to realise that they had unrealistic expectations—they should someday mention that to their children. We cannot blame social media or control it, but the press should stop sensationalizing it. Mental healthcare for men shouldn’t be stigmatized.

    My thoughts

    Videos like this should have some age limit on them. It does not contain all of the information required to come to a decision and could lead a younger person down a rabbit hole of biases. In turn, they could be lead to MRM forums and echo chambers. Amateur news summaries like this, no matter how many source cited, can quickly become part of an alternative information network and exacerbate the very problem they are highlighting.

  • An old friend of mine that I’ve lost touch with is Chinese. They lived in Europe for a number of years. When they couldn’t get a new job their visa ran out and the went back home.

    No problem getting a job. They had a place to live. Things were good.

    But… When they left Europe they basically told their roommate, a student who was about 10 years their younger, that they were leaving and that’s it. They abandoned the apartment. This left not only rent up to the student, but also the €300 fee of changing the name on the rental contract.

    If a police investigation is launched against someone in China, you can be damned sure they will turn up something. If this influencer ever saw a doobie they will find out, and if they never did drugs they will find an acquaintance who did.

    I say this because one day when my friend left work there was a car waiting. It was the father of her roommate. Turns out he was a “special” police officer. He told them to get in and gave her a folder. The folder had photos of them, their friends, even me. There were notes on the friends, SMS and social media exchanges. This included references to drugs. He took them to a bank, told them to take out the equivalent of €900 (he had their bank statements already) or their family would hear about this…and then he left them there on the street.

  • I don’t feel like my system is bloated.

    It probably isn’t bloated.

    I guess it’s subjective, but when do you consider a system to be bloated?

    If someone is testing out several different DEs or WMs and installing meta-packages, then I suppose I might say that things are bloated because they could end up having multiple apps to control the same preferences along with different libraries, etc., and then when they decide to update it takes ages. That would be bloated for me. I have tried the minimal stuff before. Like you said, hundreds of packages, not thousands. But, I didn’t install any manpages. So when I decided I wanted those manpages the number of packages ballooned. Nothing was really bloated, just a number on neofetch going up.