Why are you censoring “Google”?
Why are you censoring “Google”?
That’s not the kind of fruit we’re talking about and you know it.
This is what gets me about the sentiment of “humans lived for hundreds of thousands of years without toothpaste/sunscreen/antibiotics/vaccines/etc and we were just fine!”
My dude, we were most definitely not fine. A lot of people died painful and preventable deaths, many of them children, and we’re around today because existing that way was just good enough to keep us going as a species.
It’s not propaganda, it’s a basic logical conclusion. If you and a group of people decide to follow a set of rules together, i.e. create a society, you are surrendering a little of your freedom to do whatever you want whenever you want in exchange for some protection from others from doing the same.
Yes, that’s the entire basis for the idea of the social contract. That you give up a little bit of freedom in exchange for security from living in a society.
I do agree, the whole “oops sowwy” with a sad Labrador vibe is a little irritating. But I guess they do it cause it’s a harmless and layman-friendly response.
What I’m saying is that when you see one of these messages you should interpret it as “something is wrong on our end, nothing you can or need to do on your end, please hang tight as we’re aware of the issue and working on it”. They don’t give you more info than that because that average person is probably not a dev and doesn’t have any need for more details than that.
You’re assuming they aren’t already aware of the issue.
Because 99% of the time these errors are caused by something on their end that the user is unable to fix, even on the off chance that they understand the problem in the first place. So there isn’t any need to give you more information than “something went wrong, please wait a minute and/or try again”.
I always feel so reassured when you get to that one tricky step and Chef John says “But if you didn’t, that’s ok! It’s still gonna taste really, really good!”
Food Wishes with Chef John. Very fun, laid back, and dare I even say informative if you’re into cooking.
Check your local laws and ordinances, your landlords may be required to provide itemized expenses to you within a certain time frame. Where I am, it’s within 30 days.
I still have faith in humanity. Things get rough sometimes but I think we’ll pull through.
Sure, they’re allowed to, and we’re allowed to comment that it’s weird when he brings it up unprompted. Which it is. So much so that I wonder if this is just bait that we all fell for.
Yeah, language can be very fun. That’s why I’m saying those terms are fun novelties, like a Lemmy username, not really useful in any practical sense.
Those aren’t the ones I’m talking about. Flocks, herds, and schools apply to many different kinds of birds, land animals, and fish, respectively. Why would anyone need to use the word “murder” instead of “flock” for crows? A cackle of hyenas? A conspiracy of lemurs? Let’s be serious here. What’s wrong with saying a group of lemurs?
Does anybody actually use these goofy terms for groups of animals? Seems like they mostly exist as a novelty.
Some catty wampas, likely.
Howell truthers had a good weekend at least.
“Looking for a new opportunity”, “want to challenge myself more”, “looking for something that aligns better with my interests” etc. Those are some of the usual lines you give in corporate America when you want out.
But in your case, you could just tell the truth. That you’re in a temp position and you’re looking for something permanent. That’s a perfectly valid reason for interviewing.