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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 22nd, 2023

  • No, you. I’ve been beating this drum since 2016 and “I get it, but now now” has always been the answer, and it was the answer in Obama II when we wanted codified gay marriage rights and more. If you’ve always just missed the boat, one starts to wonder if the boat was ever in the port to start with. And I think we both know the answer to that.

    No amount of dithering about the conditions of things just now is going to change the fact that the candidate fucking sucks and, realistically, has not great chances of beating the bastard that wants to start having military tribunals for his political opponents. Biden has been looking and sounding pretty rough for the last six ish months, at least, and that debate performance was just the most pitiful thing I’ve ever seen. I’ve been watching the debates since Bush/Kerry, including Biden’s previous performances, and I’ve never seen a candidate perform so badly. On average, Biden was barely intelligible, and at worst he rebooted on stage and beat medicare. And that was not his stutter, we have previous debate performances to reference that can show that well enough. He would get sent home from helping people pay for their car wash, he is not up to the fucking job and everyone knows it. The last ten years have been pretty fucking stupid, but this is taking it to a new level.

  • Not a tankie. I don’t want the US to collapse and burn, that’s going to end badly for a lot of people. I want us to reform and do better, though I’m now convinced that that’s not going to happen. I point this stuff out because I don’t think Biden can win. I didn’t think he could win last time, in all fairness, but he was and is a weak candidate, whose only shot lies in the democrats making the gamble that his opponent is weaker, which is kind of a stupid gamble to make imo. I don’t want Trump to win, I want the democrats to hit the republicans like a run away steam engine and smash this fascist bullshit into the dirt. I WANT NOTHING MORE THAN FOR RONALD REAGAN’S GRAVE TO BELCH BLACK SMOKE FOR A WEEK STRAIGHT THIS NOVEMBER. Instead we’re gambling if the guy who would have got sent home from being a Wal-Mart greeter with his debate performance can beat the guy who wants to hold military tribunals for political opposition. When Biden loses, I’m going to skullfuck the first Democrat who high-mindedly tells me this is really the fault of people not voting for their guy. No shit, do you want a gold star for that? Turns out when people don’t vote for candidates, they don’t win, whoda thunk it? Apparently not the goddamn DNC, since they keep seeing the ever-lowering RNC bar as an excuse to run correspondingly worse candidates each year instead of running a rock star that would shatter the Republicans. OH, what’s that, the republicans have opened a portal to Hell and are running just Hitler and Charlie Manson for their ticket? Oh boy, Joe Biden might be too far left to win against that, we better see if we can get the actual corpses of Milton Friedman and Henry Kissinger to run for us. Fuck off. Of course people aren’t excited to vote for a shitty candidate, because they’re a shitty candidate. Get someone who can speak in complete sentences for God’s sake.

  • conditional_soup@lemm.eetoPolitical Memes@lemmy.worldHoly voting choices!
    2 days ago

    Biden wasn’t yet going on live TV and having the only comprehensible thing he said during the whole event be that he beat medicare.

    Edit: downvote it all you want. This is the most important election I’ve lived to see, and the democrats have collectively decided that our best chance of winning and stopping a full tilt descent into open Christian fascism lies with a guy who would have been sent home from being a Wal-Mart greeter. I think that’s completely insane. We can and should do better than Ruth Bader Ginsburging the election.

    Yes, there’s a legitimate chance that Trump could die or become disabled in any of the same ways Biden realistically could between now and November; stroke, heart attack, fall with various injuries, just whole ass failing to wake up, etc. BUT consider the outcome. If Trump dies, as-is, the GOP is left directionless and we probably get four more years of conservative Democrats. If Biden dies, as-is, best case is we get a Kamala Harris who has been wholly unprepared and wholly unprepared for by the DNC, and we more than likely end up with however long it takes for the Christian Fascist regime to spark a civil war or otherwise implode under its own stupid weight, probably a good deal longer than four years. And between the two of them, Biden seems a lot more frail, and I’m not just talking about the debate stage. Every appearance I’ve seen from Biden in the last four to six months, even in carefully managed campaign ads, he looks and sounds like hell, his speech is a lot more unclear and uneven than it used to be (I will fucking elbow drop you if you say it’s his stutter. Compare Biden now to Biden twelve or even four years ago), he walks with the kind of old man shuffle that suggests he should be using a walker for his own safety. I think that Biden is at very real risk of death or disability soon, he’s most likely too frail to get us across the finish line, and we’re stupidly gambling the entire future of the country and the people that live in it because the Democrats love their stupid hierarchies or whatever (it’s her turn!). I swear, if we descend into Christian fascism and the consequences thereof, I’m going to slap every person I meet from the DNC. I’m going to slap them until they’re as fucking cooked as our country is.

  • Yeah, I don’t get it. I was confused and not happy when I saw he was running again. He could’ve gone out like a heavily watered down LBJ, instead he’s going to be forever remembered as the lost nursing home patient who wandered onto the debate stage. This is an unmitigated disaster, and the only way forward I see now is have Joe step down and let Kamala be the president. I’m not excited for that prospect, but I assume she can at least win a debate against a potted plant.

  • Tbf, the Europeans have some pretty fucked cryptid lore, it’s just that they’re more chaotic neutral and less chaotic vengeance than the American variety. My favorite american cryptid is an old one you don’t hear much of anymore, and was born from Pacific NorthWest loggers: the Hide Behind. Basically, this mf stalks your shit and will always duck behind a tree when you turn to look at it; it’s fast enough to never be seen clearly, but you can just catch glimpses of it if you’re fast/lucky. Eventually, it catches and eats unwitting loggers who let it sneak up on them.

    Edit: I also like the deer stories. One of my all time favs was a free text about a deer stumbling up the street very clearly saying “BEEP BEEP BEEP” like a car being unlocked, followed by “Honey, I’m home!” over and over. That was the whole story, just a weird fucking deer stumbling up the street and talking to itself. 10/10 would gladly read again.