A joke so old that only boomer & gen-x speakers may get it:
¿Quál clase de auto no va? ¡Nova!
Pronouns | he/him |
Datetime Format | RFC 3339 |
A joke so old that only boomer & gen-x speakers may get it:
¿Quál clase de auto no va? ¡Nova!
But now they’re surveilled subjects in a police state, stripped of their culture and autonomy. Some upgrade.
Second, the Tiananmen Square denialism is peak propaganda regurgitation.
Literally no one is denying it, so what exactly is being regurgitated?
And defederation? Don’t play coy. Lemmy.ml’s selective “critical support” is just authoritarianism with extra steps.
What am I playing coy about? What is the “critical support” you’re talking about, and how is it “selective,” and how is that selectivity “authoritarian”?
Like I said, you just vibe and jazz, and gish gallop. And it’s getting increasingly incoherent.
And honestly, watching you tankies work overtime to defend this is adorable. My post has you running in circles, grasping for links and buzzwords like your credibility depends on it. Keep scrambling—it’s the most effort I’ve seen from your side in ages.
Ah, the “third option” cop-out—where exploitation gets rebranded as benevolence.
Again, no evidence. Just assertions that I guess you’re accustomed to people simply accepting as received wisdom.
just show it to your handler.
Show this to your handler in Langley: Pound sand.
Imagine my surprise when my lukewarm take on China’s checks notes flawless human rights record got nuked faster than a Tibetan monastery in the cultural revolution archives.
I’m pretty sure virtually all of the Tibetan people are happy to no longer be suffering under agrarian theocratic feudalism. Happy to no longer be illiterate serfs suffering depredation. I’m not at all sad that CIA asset Dalai “suck my tongue” Lama is unhappy.
The irony of Western tankies cosplaying as bastions of free speech while wielding the banhammer like a digital Tiananmen Square reenactment isn’t lost on me.
There’s no irony in Westerners like you believing that the Tiananmen Square riots are censored in China, because that’s what Western propaganda works to have you believe.
Post anything that doesn’t align with the Party-approved narrative and you’ll find yourself exiled to the cyber-gulag of defederation.
What instances have we defederated from?
How very critical support of them.
That don’t see how that term applies here, but it makes you sound very smart to drop it in there, so you must be right 👍
You have provided no evidence to support your arguments, you’re just saying them, as usual.
This isn’t altruism
No one is saying that any of it is altruism. But just because it’s not altuism doesn’t necessarily mean that it’s exploitation. There is a third option.
And I’m not passing whatever that is through a translator.
China’s Belt and Road Initiative is neo-colonialism 101: bait nations with loans, then tighten the noose when they can’t pay up. That’s not defense; that’s exploitation.
I see, so not only do you never provide evidence for your claims, you also never read evidence provided to you.
China isn’t reacting to some noble threat; it’s playing the same imperialist game, just under a different banner.
China is not an empire. In the modern era, the era of capitalism, imperialism is what capitalist states do once they reach the stage of monopoly capitalism. At that point they’ve run low of domestic exploitation options and so they reach out abroad for exploitation. After around WWII, colonialism mostly evolved into neocolonialism, where, instead of direct control of lands, they are given nominal independence, but are controlled indirectly through the export of capital, through comprador heads of state, and through the threat of violence. That’s what the imperial core mostly does these days.
That is not what China is doing. The claim that China is doing “debt trap diplomacy” is slanderous projection. The US has over 750 overseas bases, while China has one anti-piracy port in Djibouti.
given the West’s monopoly on celestial dominance.
The economic conditions across the BRICS countries are too different for a common currency to be adopted for domestic transactions.
They are explicitly not trying to create a domestic currency. They are trying to create a Bancor-like financial instrument that is exclusively for international payments.
How could a BRICS+ bank and settlement currency work? Economist Michael Hudson explains
The planetary defense recruitment drive reeks of Sino-spaceposturing. State media’s “collision probability window” rhetoric smells like fearmongering to justify militarizing orbital infrastructure under the guise of asteroid protection.
This sounds like sinophobia. China isn’t “posturing,” and the threat is real (if comparatively small) or else NASA’s DART mission wouldn’t have happened.
State media’s “collision probability window” rhetoric smells like fearmongering to justify militarizing orbital infrastructure under the guise of asteroid protection.
You’re making a lot of assumptions about what their collision deflection method might be, when they don’t even know yet.
Typical authoritarian playbook – manufacture existential threats to centralize power.
🙄 Please send me a link to the “authoritarian playbook.” The Chinese state doesn’t need to centralize its power, because it’s not suffering from a lack of authority. Democratic centralism is working well, and people are happy with it and with their government.
It’s understandable why someone once called it “AI-generated NPC dialogue.” You write stream-of-consciousness fanfic on any & every topic. Just vibing and jazzing.
Changes are afoot.
Imports of Russian oil, piped gas, coal, metals mostly settled in yuan
Everybody knows now that if you don’t kowtow to the US, it may confiscate your US Treasury securities and/or cut you out of SWIFT. You’re putting your financial trust in a rogue state.
Do you draw your theories from any actual school of geopolitics/international relations, or are you just winging it?
Because it seems like you’re your flying solo in your own paranoid mind palace, completely divorced from material reality.
Confirmed, I’ve seen the whole segment before 😂
Let’s check in with the Doomsday Clock: