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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023

  • There’s actually a really good reason for that. The body doesn’t have a good way to get rid of excess iron except by bleeding, so it’s fairly easy for someone without a period to get iron poisoning from vitamins with iron in them. Women’s vitamins assume the person taking them loses a significant quantity of blood every month. Not only should men not take them, women whose birth control eliminates their period completely shouldn’t take them either.

  • This amuses me, since I literally went from Gentoo to Arch because it felt like the same bleeding edge distro without having to wait for the compile time for half of the packages.

    That said, I generally don’t recommend Arch (or Gentoo) to newbies. It’s great when it works, but the number of times I’ve had to troubleshoot some random dependency issue because I took more than a week to update my system would scare any newbie away. It’s a bit like the parable of the cobbler’s kids having the worst shoes, or the mechanic always driving a project car - when you have the skills to fix something, you’re willing to put up with a lot of bullshit that a normal person wouldn’t.