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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023


  • Bro I can do you one better than that and it even works without internet after the first time if you work from home!

    Open a file and copy the capitals (Ass for A, Bumbulum for B, etc.) from Wikipedia and boom! You add some html around it, go to godaddy or your favorite registrar and claim a domain (I like the expensive ones), manage nameserver and dynamic DNS with cloud flare so can access your home router without getting a static IP from your ISP, then use nginx to set up a reverse proxy (don’t forget to forward unique ports on your router in the NAT rules section!), spool a virtual machine and use your router to create a static lease, stick that file on that machine, and then make yourself a browser bookmark to the URL you purchased that hits your router port forwards to reverse proxy and lands you in that VM on a shared drive! The best part is you can often do this for less than $1000 per month depending on the URL you pick.

    Oh, be sure to set up some 2FA though if you don’t want to get hacked.

  • Whatever you say Mr Dahmer joke instead of content. I see that was really all in good faith and maybe I unintentionally hurt your feelings by citing a source on base rate biases?

    What data would you like me to bring for discussion since you’ve been so open thus far? Do you want me to bring some data showing that teslas spend more time not having accidents than having accidents? I’m happy to go do some homework to enrich this interaction.

    It’s not as though you can just ask Tesla for every case of an FSD crash. The falsifiable claim is just me tossing a number, the point is that memorable bad press and bad stats are not the same.

  • It IS actually true. It does goofy stuff in some situations, but on the whole is a little better than your typical relatively inexperienced driver. It gets it wrong about when to be assertive and when to wait sometimes, it thinks there’s enough space for a courteous merge but there isn’t (it does some Chicago style merges sometimes), it follows the lines on the road like they are gospel, and doesn’t always properly estimate how to come to a smooth and comfortable stop. These are annoying things, but not outrageous provided you are paying attention like you’re obliged to do.

    I have it, I use it, and I make lots of reports to Tesla. It is way better than it used to be and still has plenty of room to improve, but a Tesla can’t reboot without having a disparaging article written about it.

    Also fuck elon, because I don’t think it gets said enough.