You’ve never paid for WinRAR because you’re cheap. I’ve never paid for WinRAR because I know 7-Zip exists.
We are not the same.
Progenitor of the Weird Knife Wednesday feature column. Is “column” the right word? Anyway, apparently I also coined the Very Specific Object nomenclature now sporadically used in the 3D printing community. Yeah, that was me. This must be how Cory Doctorow feels all the time these days.
You’ve never paid for WinRAR because you’re cheap. I’ve never paid for WinRAR because I know 7-Zip exists.
We are not the same.
Idiots will absolutely drop a dollar chasing a nickel, but still believe they were so clever that they came out ahead. I wouldn’t put any amount of stupidity past them at this point.
I’m well into considering the build a car avenue myself. Since new cars are all bullshit now, I’m seriously tempted to just remove the drivetrain from my truck when it finally conks out and stick a kit built aftermarket EV powertrain in it instead.
For reference, my truck is so dumb it has crank windows. I’d like to keep it that way.
20 is a funny way to spell 40.
But then what will they make Pringles out of?
And it wants permissions to:
…And will throw an absolute hissy fit and refuse to load without explanation if you deny any of them.
For instance, just wait until you get a load of what astronomers consider to be metals.
Ensuring that the Starfleet admiralty suffered… transporter accidents… and got replaced by somebody – anybody – with some kind of clue would be a good start.
You’re in the same boat as me, except swap 70’s for 1920’s. I have to tear down all the plaster – not drywall, actual literal plaster, on lath – to get at the ground floor wiring. I decided it’s fine where it is for now.
As your attorney, I advise you to buy a motorcycle.
As if it could be so easy. I’ll take the mountains of skulls and roaring plains of gore over whatever the fuck it is that’s going on now. Mere demons are simple, and are vulnerable to your shotgun.
What a useless pile of words spent moaning about ad clicks, specifically to gain ad clicks.
Don’t talk, “organize.”
Okay, how? How do we effectively organize to fight against an enemy who has already for all intents and purposes won, in a way that won’t get us rounded up and shot by the Gestapo? Please tell us.
“We don’t know, that’s your problem. Just ‘organize.’”
You used the magic word, “modern.”
Lots of houses in this world are not modern, and some of them are old enough that they were retrofitted to have electricity, as mine was, rather than even being built with it to begin with. And done so in a haphazard manner when electrical codes were either much more lax than now or didn’t exist. And further when the expected power draw for a household was considerably lower, because basically all of it in the 1920’s or whatever was only used for lighting and we didn’t have all of our current appliances, TV’s, computers, 3D printers, or even indoor space heaters.
So moaning about what ought to be rather than what is really doesn’t accomplish anything, especially in OP’s case.
My small house has basically the entire ground floor wired to only two 15 amp circuits.
Let’s not kid ourselves, most people will not start looking at Linux. They should, but they won’t. They’ll continue to use the version of Windows their machine came with, becoming a botnet petri dish in the process, forever, until it breaks or becomes unusable. If Microsoft actually forces their machine to become unbootable they’ll rush off to the mall and replace it with a Mac.
And in the meantime they’ll click off any nags and warnings Microsoft sends them without reading them.
Just like happened with XP.
Just like what happened with Vista.
Just like what happened with 7.
Most users are clueless, barely understand how to use their computers except by rote, and therefore are extremely afraid of change. Microsoft could offer a free puppy with your updrade to Win11 and I think about 75% of users would still refuse to take it.
I would not buy a Razer if they paid me $120. Do yourself a favor and don’t. I’ve owned a fair few Razer products in my life and they’ve all been overpriced flimsy pieces of shit, and when they break Razer will do anything and everything to weasel out of doing anything about it. As a matter of fact, the last Razer product I had break on me was a Blackwidow Chroma, and not coincidentally it was the last Razer product I will ever buy. I think it made it a whole nine months.
Anyway, I was in this very boat not too long ago and settled on the Glorious GMMK 3 100% for my wife, which is indeed available in white. It’s $140 USD list price, so I don’t know how that fits your budget. She got some nice cat themed keycaps for it and she’s having a ball. You can get it with various keyswitch options prepopulated, or even swap the switches around as you see fit. She got the “Fox” linear keyswitches which are not short throw but are definitely quiet.
I use a Logitech G512 Carbon at the moment, myself. It’s not white but it has otherwise been bomber for over a year.
This is a sterling endorsement for me. I don’t know if anyone’s noticed but I type a lot. Not just bickering in the comments, but for work as well. I am not rough on keyboards and mine never moves from this spot, but I will tickle the keyswitches on any 'board a couple of million times in short order and I probably find the service limit on all the keys that are not W, A, S, or D more quickly than the average penguin.
I think James May got there quicker. The first episode of his Cars Of The People miniseries explores (in part) the driving idea behind the Beetle and its origin, including its proceeds funding the Nazi war machine.
Or pretty much anywhere in the manufacturing sector.
Plenty of products you use on a daily basis, especially processed foods, are being cranked out on equipment controlled by PLC’s from the 1980’s or earlier.
95 is easy, you can use all zeroes or all ones and it would pass the algorithm check and let you install. There was no online check requirement, unlike XP.
98 you could do 12345-12345-12345-12345-12345 or some similar variant as I recall, so I never bothered knowing an “actual” key for those.
XP and above could be trivially bypassed with software, so the whole thing was moot after that. Silly technology.
…Brought to you by Carl’s Jr.