“That’s how I knew it was the first day; wig-twisting season, where folks can get they wigs twisted back, within reason”

they/them || https://readsettlers.org || No compromise, no retreat. || I don’t debate crackers, I just drag 'em

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Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: October 10th, 2023


  • That Amerikans don’t deserve any special consideration, and in fact, deserve a Century of Humiliation where the odious “please collaborate in our genocide so the cryptofascist oligarchy Democracy™ that anglo-saxon, protestant-descended magnates and a small fraction of uplifted misleaders we All™ enjoy will be saved!” brainworm is concerned.

    Yes. My principles do matter to me more than you do at this point if you’re going to look me in the face and tell me I have to support a genocider, all so you (or whatever minority you’re about to only care about long enough to use as a cudgel) can remain comfortable.

  • Are we supposed to be so virtuous that we allow Republicans to kill all of us just so we die with the Palestinians that no matter who we elect will die!?

    Translation: “I’ve already acquiesced to the idea that one way or the other, the flag I eagerly uplift is going to literally inflict genocide upon a sovereign nation for natural gas resources and the allowance of an illegitimate, blatantly-supremacist nationstate to build itself atop those sovereign bodies the exact same way Amerika did to the natives, and I see nothing wrong with that so long as my comfort is preserved”

    You and everyone like you fucking disgust me. Death to the settler empire, worse to those who uplift it.

  • A republican supreme court he could have simply packed. I thought he had enough moderates to forcibly bump up the number of justices, what’s good? Don’t have all that backup that you tell us you have? At that point the court wouldn’t have been republican-controlled; but I guess the democrat party makes more money losing than they do shaking off their martyr complex and actually putting in work for the people that got them elected.

    But y’know, the Democrat party’s genocide-enablers and the Toms that mislead for them keep telling us they don’t need the actual left in this country. You made your bed; now fuckin die in it.

  • If you absolutely had to stay loyal to the Democrat party for some reason, he could’ve packed the courts like the democrats that call themselves “progressive” were telling him to do from day one of his administration, which said “progressives” were told it was ‘bad form’. Hell, Democrats have been using Roe v. Wade and similar protective legislation for women as carrots to dangle in front of the electorate ever since the Drone King; remember how the Violence Against Women act was supposed to be one of that minstrel’s priorities during his first hundred days, only for it to become “no longer a priority” after he got his seat?

    But the correct answer would have been to divest from the party. To have made it clear that literal fucking genocide is the red line of any actual human with an actually-international slate of morals. To walk away, and make them earn your support– which you and those like you will never do, because you’re spineless dogs waiting for the next table scraps to fall from the genocider’s plate.

    You, and everyone like you chose wrong; in unforgivable ways. I eagerly await your society’s collapse, me and the rest of the subjects-of-empire y’all tread on day-in, and day-out.

  • Never let it be forgotten that Roe v. Wade was struck down during a Democrat administration.

    And that klansman-adjacent segregationist will never be forgiven for the '94 Crime Bill; beyond that, he still hasn’t ended the 1033 Program, hasn’t ended the reckless militarization of lynch-mob police, hasn’t pardoned the 61 political prisoners in Atlanta facing federal RICO charges for protesting Genocide Joe’s pet project Cop Cities. He ain’t our ally, no matter how many little puff pieces of legislation he pushes of the lapdogs, bootlickers, and nepo-babies that do nothing to rectify the shit-sorry state of Amerika’s material conditions.

    What was it y’all slandered that imperial sheepdog Bernie for? Your boy Brandon might as well have renamed a post office for all the good he’s doing the subjects-of-empire. I don’t give the first fuck about the lapdogs of imperialism getting their scraps, where the fuck is the equality and actual liberation that doesn’t require tapdancing like a minstrel for genocidal settlers?

  • This is the only correct answer. The settler empire cannot and will never do right, neither by the subjects-of-empire they still subject to fascism, to tenement housing because anglo realty companies bought up everything else to stranglehold rent prices, to carceral slavery in moldering prisons with food that’d give you COVID before it nourished you, to murder in our beds at the hands of SWAT teams; nor by the rest of the world that they routinely violate, pillage, and commit genocide upon. Death to the empire, worse to those who bear its water.

    “I am now quite certain that the crimes of this guilty land will never be purged away but with blood. I had, as I now think, vainly flattered myself that without very much bloodshed it might be done.” – John Brown, December 2, 1859