
  • 32 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 21st, 2023


  • On the traditionalist side: vandy was a founding member, plus I’m sure they bring up the average gpa of sec football at least a little. If we keep them in then that means we automatically play them every year.

    On the modernist side: vandy isn’t competitive and isn’t really close to being competitive in the foreseeable future. We could easily have them as a protected ooc matchup to appease anyone who wants that.

    The OU thing I honestly don’t have too strong of a feeling for. If we have a sooner lurker I’d love to hear from them. Josh’s reasoning was that adding OU kept it from being a Texas conference. Which, you already have Arky. But if that’s not enough I would maybe even suggest adding the AZ teams. I think that might be a bit much geographically, but it may make more sense culturally? idk

    I could also recommend throwing the service acadamies into the ivy league, which we could also lump NW and vandy into. I feel like the service academies and the more academically inclined universities have the same “grindset” and this could help bring the ivies back into relevance in the sport. Since if we’re keeping Rutgers in the power conferences, we should keep Princeton and Yale in the big leagues. No way in hell they would ever vote for that though.

  • I think fan investment is still part of the equation. It may not be as important to recruits as say money (and we can argue the merits of fiscal vs spiritual/emotional compensation all day long), but it still means something to say that 100,000 people may be chanting your name some day. I think that if fans want to continue to have any sort of impact, even if small compared to the “good ole days” they need to be extra vocal on social media. This of course will bring out the worst of a fan base (cough cough vol twitter) so it’s a double edged sword. As an aside, I find payments made or garunteed upon graduation a tough pill to swallow, though I think there is merit to the idea.

  • For me, it’d be implementing limits and controls on advertising. I’m tired of the money of the sport dictating the actual sport (read updating the running clock rules) and while in our society it certainly can’t be eliminated. But I would put limits on how many and how long media timeouts are allowed to be, and revert clock rules to pre 2023 or similar rules. CFB has a captive audience so you could dramatically increase ad prices to counter limited space, so I honestly believe that revenue losses would be minimal. That and smack caps on said media deals, and force the broadcasters to more evenly distribute coverage amongst non super 2 programs. In the age of streaming there’s no reason we can’t have more broadcast crews covering more games. I’d even recommend combining the media’s systems with the college’s own broadcast systems for better coverage (think mlb getting two different broadcasts for each team’s crew).