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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 4th, 2023


  • If grown as a crop I can see that. But taking from forests changes the forest permanently. I see your point, I guess I’m taking issue with what I associate with a renewable resource when talking about energy. That is is “green” and not bad for the environment.

    Saying trees are carbon capures so its carbon neutral just seems crazy to me. Burning wood emits more carbon dioxide than coal for every unit of electricity produced. The older the tree the more carbon it can store, which is in its wood. Mature as in 35-75 years. Cutting down mature trees out of forests and planting new ones isn’t carbon neutral. But I can see an argument for planting tree plots in already cleared land to get a system set up for rotations.

  • Looking at global statistics the world is getting better. Not in global warming. But violence, freedom, wars, health. It’s hard to see because nobody talks about it. It’s easy to get stuck doom scrolling. But it’s not the whole picture. We as a global society agree slavery is bad. That is a pretty new concept in the history of our species. We went from the first powered flight to space in 50 years. That is insanity. Yes, there are lots of fucked up things we caused, but ultimately I believe in our ability to figure it out eventually. Everything we do and have done, is natural. We are a product of evolution just like every other living thing on this planet.

    I think our world is amazing, and that includes humanity.