Even if you think that HB was or will be unfairly treated, look at the size of the ethical door that was just opened. Of all of the “norms” that could have been broken, this is the one?
I usually like to do it alone
what percentage of short-form video is AI now? I feel like all of the youtube short videos I get suggested are either AI or short clips of full videos.
And Iran
If only they could figure out a solution to the problem of those feisty inhabitants.
Keep in kind that there is a geopolitical orientation in law. What is written here may not apply in all regions, nor all types of legal procedure.
May I suggest that you give Vlad Vexler’s youtube a listen? He describes this as a period of dlweaking democracy, but explains why all is not lost.
I believe that the shareholders are quite happy?
I switched to niri about a year ago. It’s perfect for those who like tiling WMs but want a more natural flow, without constant window resizing.
Niri with waybar, fuzzel, and tessen give a pretty complete desktop.
Trump talks shit, and he’s weak at taking action. That is my point. Here he can likely get away with talking shit, and his opponents will cave.
The wall was bs, but he did get nafta renegotiated by bullying.
He’s got a good chance at coming out of RU and CN negotiations looking good, despite not doing anything.
He’s nothing but a bully, which might actually work here. If it does, then the authoritarians shithawks are going to look really good.
Actually, I am really removed from the US domestic situation, and only impacted by the US foreign policy situation.
I’m just trying to point out that he can use his threats to get what he wants, which is the only tactic that he actually knows how to do. Unless he got smarter since his last tern.
The Baltics are in a much stronger position than Ukraine. They are in Nato already, and are geographically important as a buffer to the only Nato members who actually take Russia as a serious threat (Norway, Sweden, Finland and Poland.) Tactically, air and sea defence of the Baltics is externally feasible, and the Baltics nations have focused on building land defense over the recent years. If you combine this with the obvious Russian war fatigue, and lack of resources, it is clear the Russia doesn’t have the capacity to invade the Baltics over the next two years at least, even if the Belarusians participated.
All of this becomes even harder if the Russians are gifted Ukraine and have to occupy it militarily.
You are describing citizenship. Most countries allow long term residence (>3 months) with lower requirements. It’s often easiest to look for work first, if you are competitively skilled, or are looking somewhere with labour shortages, as sponsorship makes it easier.
Trump’s not going to need to apply tarifs.
Biden has both Russia and China on the back foot with failing economies, and significant social unrest. Both are desperate to make a deal with Trump. Trump only succeeds in negotiation when he can bully his adversary.
If Biden had the faculties, he could have whipped both countries and probably avoided this mess.
Your argument is not very strong. Slow death versus fast death? Actually, I think that the IDF might be going about as fast as they can.
You can advocate for hungry people after eating a meal. You can advocate fornsex worker rights even if you are a virgin.
You can’t tell people you are “working class” if you’re rich. You can’t advocate for punishing day people while pretending to be straight.
It is not complicated.