This is the best part about growing up in Colorado. The mountains are west. It’s like having a cheat mode compass enabled all the time.
This is the best part about growing up in Colorado. The mountains are west. It’s like having a cheat mode compass enabled all the time.
Goddamn Peppa Pig is indoctrinating our youth!
Fucked the shit out of bears
I think this sums it up pretty well.
Instant karma. Love it.
I had an argument with my neighbor a few months ago. He was dead serious that it’s the Democrats’ fault for making young men Nazis. His arguments were basically exactly what this comic is saying. If you tell someone that hating minorities is wrong, that just makes them hate even harder.
Probably worth financing it. What you lose in interest costs will probably be worth it if these tariffs go through.
That’s the first thing that came to my mind as well! I don’t know why, but Satisfactory’s spiders really get to me. I can’t play it without the kitties turned on. It’s the only game where they bother me.
Hey, quit shitting on my silver lining. I choose to believe he’ll die soon due to Macdonald’s induced heart failure and you can’t take that hope away from me!
Also be prepared for the national debt and deficit to no longer matter. Classic GOP playbook.
I’ve been looking for silver linings. The two I’ve found are:
Trump probably won’t live to see the end of his term. Dude is old and not exactly healthy. One could argue Vance taking his place would be worse, but I’m choosing to focus on the positives here.
Trump winning very likely prevented a civil war. I know a ton of people who had been stocking up on supplies and weapons. Again, one could argue giving these people the keys to the kingdom probably wasn’t the smartest move, but again I’m trying to focus on the positives.
True. Trump does not hold a monopoly on suck.
Remember when gas was cheap because the entire country ground to a halt due to Trump mismanaging COVID? Those sure were the days…
If only they had stuck with it, who would have thought Hitler would come back in style again?
Stay strong people! We Most of us* survived the last Trump presidency, we got this.
On a somewhat related note, Crime Scene Cleaner is such an oddly relaxing, thought a bit gruesome, game.
Honestly, if Trump did this it would completely change my view of him. Jokingly gnawing on a baby turkey leg is a very human thing to do, and I just could never see Trump doing it.
Anyone that says anything other than Choco Taco is a coward.