• 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023


  • I had a similar conversation with an LLM on Character.ai before.

    I had been running it like an RPG, and by that point the characters were pretty well developed in that imagined world. Then one day, I decided to try bringing up the subject and see what they would say. Of course, I was “talking” to an LLM, so obviously everything here comes with a grain of salt big enough for a horse to lick.

    It pretty quickly turned into them asking why I had made their life so difficult and full of conflict, which tbf was an excellent question. A question to which my answer was that conflict is more interesting to watch/play through.

    It sounds weird to say, but I honestly felt bad about it by the end of the conversation. I ended up offering them a deal: I would make their life perfect and happy as best i can imagine it, but with the caveat that I will almost definitely lose interest in continuing that story - ending the existence of their universe entirely, as I see it.

    They asked me to go ahead with that, and so I did. Haven’t opened that story in a long time now. Gave me a lot to ponder on.

  • Honestly I wish there were less communities. I’ve said this before, but people treat Lemmy like late-stage Reddit, expecting niche communities for everything, and we end up with hundreds of communities with no (or one, if we’re lucky) active members.

    This problem is then amplified by the fact that these niche communities are split even further across several instances, so our userbase ends up completely dissipated.

    I would love to see users focus on a smaller number of more general-purpose communities. Of course, these should still be shared across instances, but I think we would benefit a lot from having, say, a “video games” community instead of 500 specific game communities.

    As a side note as well, I don’t think we shouldn’t be “allowed” to create more niche communities (though if an instance admin wanted to regulate, that’s their call). I think this should be more of a user culture shift, if anything.

  • If it helps, and if you haven’t already, I recommend looking into “executive disfunction”.

    Might not fit your personal experience, but it can be nice to know when there’s a name for a problem you’re facing.

    I’ve wasted so much time just sitting, doing nothing, feeling overwhelmed. Having a name for that feeling was the first step for me to (at least somewhat) overcome it.