I think it would be easier to convince a few people to take out more CEOs than it would be to convince all the progressives in America that the DNC is worth investing more energy in.
I think it would be easier to convince a few people to take out more CEOs than it would be to convince all the progressives in America that the DNC is worth investing more energy in.
It’s not going to amount to anything if he’s the only one taking action. If we’ve all just been waiting for things to get started then where is everyone now? I’ve seen tons of “I’ve got my pitchfork ready for when things get started” posts over the last few years but now that it’s supposedly here I only see the one pitchfork.
Obviously I’m not doing anything either but the question I’m getting at is, is it fair to say the public has been galvanized if it’s just one guy doing one thing while a bunch of people watch?
That’s a true statement but it’s also true that in the entirety of human history no society has managed to wrest power away from the rich for more than a few generations. They may lie dormant for a while but they always come back. Self destructive greed is in our nature.
shitty AI voice that sounds like David Attenborough
The foul, uncultured masses had developed a taste for blood. In their ignorance they had mistaken their benevolent, job creating overseers to be the source of their troubles. With violent fervor they created propaganda espousing their murderous intent, as the piece shown here exemplifies. These horrendous works of art were called memes, pronounced “may-mays”, and were spread amongst the mob primarily through mobile communications devices.
Also, I keep seeing people quoting stuff outside of the bible like biblical truth, like The Rapture, and stuff from Dante’s Inferno which is, at best, Bible fan-fic.
So much of the average person’s understanding of Christianity comes from sources other than the Bible. That is true for Christians and non-Christians alike. It is a really interesting phenomenon. So many arguments over things that are essentially unrelated to the actual debate people think they are having.
I hear cops don’t get paid very well. Perhaps we should do our civic duty and ensure they have some overtime pay. After all, Christmas is right around the corner.
They don’t have to do this. They’re choosing to. It’s not like these guys can just walk into the unemployment office and say “I’d like one CEO job please”. There’s more people interested in executive positions than there are positions available. Why is it only acceptable to use that knowledge to negotiate lower wages for lower ranking positions?
It’s not hyperbole to say that this is exactly why the 2nd Amendment exists. It’s been bastardized and misrepresented for a long time now but this is explicitly the kind of tyranny the founding fathers envisioned we would need protection from. In their time the people with the power to extract wealth at the cost of human suffering were mostly monarchs and other governmental bodies and in our time massive corporations have joined those ranks but that doesn’t change what’s happening at a fundamental level.
48 hours is only for regular cases with one or two cops assigned. High profile stuff like this gets considerably more attention and resources for a longer period of time
Not if this was an isolated incident. If it turns out to be something else then maybe.
I think we’ve already established that the list you made was a pretty good one so the suggestion that a list of those most responsible can’t be made is pretty odd to me.
Let’s say I agree with you that violence is never the answer, what’s your alternate suggestion? Your thinking seems to be that oppressed people need to reason with their oppressors but what happens when they don’t listen? How long are people supposed to suffer before alternate methods are morally justified? What sort of escalation path exists within your moral framework? It seems to me that your reasoning ends with “just wait longer and hope justice prevails” but at some point that becomes untenable.
Again, that may or may not be what’s going on here but clearly some people think it is so the discussion is worth having.
I listed everybody. Every single human being on this planet is, in some way, responsible for the current state of society.
Being intentionally obtuse doesn’t add anything to the discussion. Your average person, especially those in other countries, don’t view themselves as responsible for healthcare costs in America. Whether or not that is technically true is irrelevant as their contribution is not nearly as important as the others on your list. Take away the line about voters and maybe the doctors and nurses, though some would likely disagree with that part, and you’ve got a pretty accurate list of the people most responsible for the situation. They oversee these systems and are therefore seen to be responsible for associated outcomes.
There’s any number of ways to make a difference that are better than shooting a man in the middle of the street.
Are they really? How many people have been doing those things for decades with very little to show for it? How much campaigning can a parent paying for cancer treatment for their kid be reasonably expected to do? How many generic responses from representatives not listening to the concerns of their constituents should we trudge through?
Whether or not this shooter was motivated by the reasons we’re all assuming is pretty irrelevant at this point. The simple fact that we’re having this discussion at this scale demonstrates that people do not believe that the things you mentioned will improve things, and I think that’s a perfectly reasonable interpretation of the situation we find ourselves in. Maybe vigilante action is not the answer but I think it’s pretty clear that the usual responses you’re giving are not resonating with people. Decision makers need to change that perception if they want to prevent people from looking outside the system for answers.
I feel like you are thinking about this wrong. From where I sit I think it’s more likely that you’re expanding the target list than helping put the brakes on this kind of vigilante behavior.
You aren’t wrong in a lot of what you’re saying though. Street justice rarely stays just for long. This may also be an isolated incident. However, some kind of pushback against this system is inevitable. If the people you listed don’t help improve the situation then yes, they probably should be worried for their safety, and to be honest I don’t think meaningful change is possible until they are. Strikes, sit-ins, and protests have only ever been effective when paired with the implied threat of physical violence if demands are not met. Greed needs to be deincentivized in one way or another. Governments and corporations don’t seem interested in making that happen so action like this seems increasingly likely to me.
Idk. People have been saying the last version of Windows was the best one for decades (with a couple of notable exceptions). Until they switch to something else in large enough numbers to get the right asshat with an MBA at Microsoft to pay attention they will just keep squeezing.
I would say the 60 year period that all the movies occupy are not interesting enough for more content. Similarly to LOTR there are plenty of other time periods in which good content could be made but that makes it harder for Disney to cash in on familiar characters so they don’t pursue those options.
Is 8 considered early? My kid is 6 and I am starting to feel like we have waited too long already.
The people defending Biden know this is bullshit. They just want to believe this is a sign that Democrats are finally going to stop complaining about decorum and play hardball. It isn’t, and they won’t, but at least Joe gets to protect his kid I guess. Too bad Joe couldn’t find the will to force Garland to do his job and prosecute Trump instead.
This is what happens when you treat every idea as equally worthy of consideration. We decided it was too mean spirited to call stupid ideas what they are and now the idiots think they know as much as the experts.
I don’t think it’s common slang but in this particular case asteroid is the penis