now listen here you little shit …
now listen here you little shit …
not including sales tax
people tend to default to twut twot, really throwing the A at 'em is fucking hilarious.
… like the difference between scone and scone.
pronounced with a hard A
I agree, Berkshire is very rude indeed
an experienced professional in the field of romantic failure
I see where you’re coming from now and totally agree.
Whenever a concept is distilled to a catch phrase it always loses something.
if my property can be taken without fair compensation so can theirs.
pretty cut and dry logical relationship.
basically if you get to be a scumbag so do I
2 wrongs don’t make a right, this phrase just points out how piracy is a service issue
I didn’t get into self hosting until after Plex jumped the shark so any time someone recommends it I assume it’s purely legacy.
I have an analogue/digital crossover era Bravia which is literally what a TV should be so it’s good to hear about Pro mode if I ever want to up to 4k.
Sharpie goes where?
I’ve had a lot of gaps, I literally just extend my last job out to current because I’m always on labour hire so I’m technically still employed.
So yeah, they would probably just lie on the CV rather than face the questions.
why would they put that on their CV though? oh right they’re fucking proud of this shit.
I like epic fantasy better than the current fantasy
literally what I just said, did you respond to the wrong comment?
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lie down
try not to genocide
genocide a lot
They hired Kubrik to fake the moon landing and he insisted on shooting on location.
if you’re reading twot and twut differently maybe I should edit …