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Joined 7 months ago
Cake day: November 26th, 2023

  • It’s new to me, I think it’s saying that your system is built up by you declaring what you want in a file, a single source that everything comes from.

    It’s atomic because each action the system takes is carefully completed rather than bailing out and requiring you to fix something.

    It’s immutable meaning you declare how you want things to be set up and then critical changes stem from those declarations and nothing else. You would obviously generate preferences, save data, etc. but the files that make the system / packages work are carefully locked.

    It’s like the concept of flatpaks + structured system defining + modern common sense OS operations?

  • You use lifetimes to annotate parameters and return values in order to tell the compiler about how long things must last for your function to be valid. You can link a specific input with the output, or explicitly separate them. If you don’t give lifetimes the language uses some basic rules to do it for you. If it can’t, eg it’s ambiguous, then it’s a compile error and you need to do it manually.

    It’s one of the harder concepts of rust to explain succinctly. But imagine you had a function that took strA and strB, used strB to find a subsection of strA, and then return a slice of strA. That slice is tied to strA. You would use 'a annotation for strA and the return value, and 'b for strB.

    Rust compiler will detect the lifetime being shorter than expected.

    Also, ownership semantics. Think c++ move semantics. Only one person is left with a good value, the previous owners just have garbage data they can’t use anymore. If you created a thing on the heap and then gave it away, you wouldn’t have it anymore to free at the end. If you want to have “multiple owners” then you need ref counting and such, which also stops this problem of premature freeing.

    Edit: one more thing: reference rules. You can have many read-only references to a thing, or one mutable reference. Unless you’re doing crazy things, the compiler simply won’t let you have references to a thing, and then via one of those references free that thing, thereby invalidating the other references.

  • I think 20 of the world’s best drivers should almost always equal good racing. Something must be wrong if that isn’t true. Change the tracks, the cars, the regulations, the expectations of fans… is this a controversial idea?

    Because I get how current F1 can have bad races. It all makes sense when you think about the big picture. The closeness of margins, the tires, the dirty air, safety. But if you step back it starts to feel absurd. If we’re going to believe that these guys are the best then we have to believe that they’re being wasted.

  • Based on the headline I got the impression that the bible was excluding these two amendments. As in, their absence was jarring in the presence of the other amendments.

    The truth is that they left out 17 amendments. Because it’s Trump. It’s aimed at people who don’t care about the Constitution. The customers just want the greatest hits, the big names.

    Misleading headline aside, here’s what the they actually omitted (aka here’s a truth which doesn’t leave anything out.)

    1. Can’t sue a state unless you live there.

    2. Structures electing presidents / VPs.

    3. Slavery is banned except when it isn’t.

    4. Born on US soil == you’re 'Merican, Harry.

    5. Suffrage regardless of race.

    6. Taxes.

    7. Structures electing senators.

    8. Prohibition good!

    9. Suffrage regardless of sex.

    10. Specifies length for Presidential / VP terms.

    11. Prohibition bad!

    12. The two term limit for Presidents.

    13. Gives D.C. electors.

    14. You can vote even if you didn’t pay taxes.

    15. Formalized the VP succeeding a dead president.

    16. Voting age set to 18.

    17. That time when Congress took 200 goddamn years to impose a restriction on their salary.

  • When a computer reads some signal, the 0s and 1s in it’s memory is the data. The data must be processed so that the computer can understand it.

    This computer is using threads to read neuron activity. It must necessarily receive data because if it didn’t it wouldn’t be reading neuron activity. They’re the same thing.

    This data is processed so that the computer can make sense of the brain. Once it understands some activity it generates signals that can control external devices.

    Here’s an example. Imagine a device that monitors the heart and does something to fix a problem. The device would get data on the heart and process the data so that it can perform it’s function.

    Wouldn’t monitoring health concerns and mitigating data loss be extremely important in these scenarios?

  • Put it this way: If you took a thread talking about some tech from a joke community, and a thread about the same topic from a generic technology community, you won’t be able to tell them apart. People will bring the same energy and mindset to both. Jokes and “lol get rekt company I hate” will be pushed to the top, because they totally contribute to the discussion, while basic observations like “removing functionality is bad” will be pushed down. 👍

  • Not SO or it’s methods, I mean the human experience. It can be awkward to be new to it all and to feel the frustration/tunnel vision associated with being stuck on one problem… and then step back and have to dissect your issue, structure your question correctly, etc.

    It’s just how it is, for exactly the reasons you stated. You can capture every little problem people face in programming, or you can hone in on useful patterns in goals, problems, and solutions, and educate people on how to see these things.

  • mhague@lemmy.worldtoTechnology@lemmy.worldStack Overflow and OpenAI Partner
    2 months ago

    The idea of SO is a little awkward too I think. With something like Wikipedia we’re presumably in an academic mindset. Carefully gathering information, sources, structuring it all. And even then people can get turned off by the ‘bureaucracy’ or nitpicking or whatever.

    When people show up at SO they’re probably more in a “I can’t figure this damn thing out!” mode. We’re struggling with a problem, keeping a bunch of junk in our head, patience being tested, but we’re still expected to have a bit of academic rigor in our question and discourse.

  • mhague@lemmy.worldtoTechnology@lemmy.worldStack Overflow and OpenAI Partner
    2 months ago

    Yeah but a lot of people don’t really know what SO is for. They think you just go there and get help and call it a day. But the entire point is to produce structured questions, discourse, and answers aimed at future readers. Super specific, no-context, or duplicate problems are not useful. If you are not trying to generate useful content, don’t go to SO.

    Just look at all the people getting frustrated at being told “you should probably do it a different way.” They really don’t understand that just because they’re asking the question, it’s not all about them.