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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 14th, 2023


  • Russians are pussies. Not like war is popular in any country, but if you’re going to support it at least be willing to commit to it. In America we protested and they haven’t done a draft in over 45 years and we still have plenty of ‘patriots’ still willing to fight our wars. Or just involve some proxy nation. With Russia, it’s either you support it or straight to jail and few Russians have the balls to stand up en masse let alone leave the country.

  • I don’t think that’s true. Sure, we get a few geniuses here and there, but with literally millions of kids out and about with no real guidance this isn’t going to be good for a future workforce. This isn’t a capitalist vs. socialist problem, but a societal one. Kids without the structure of an environment where collaboration and co-work are made available to them will struggle to integrate into other groups. Workers of the past were heavily exploited because they had little to no education to fall back on and no understanding of where they fit in the scale of things. Until Marx detailed it, all workers were exploited without realizing the whole system rested on them. Likewise, school teaches much more than propaganda and facts, but offer the opportunity to learn how to regulate one’s emotions and temper their attitudes. I also see this as an issue from parents who took school for granted when they were young and who didn’t learn anything about the world around them. It feeds this narcissism that people are just entitled to a certain view, until real life puts them in check.

  • We did enough to meddle into their affairs in the past and the end result is what you see now. There is no business for the US to be there. Although… this development changes a lot. Honestly this is another Trump/Bolton/war hawk conservative fuck up. By canceling the nuclear deal the US has no other inroads to talk directly with higher up officials in Iran. Even if it didn’t stop a missile program it would have built a bridge that would have given SOME access to the regime. Now we are only looking over the fence at them and our only voice is going to be our military. What a shit show of geopolitics we’ve been lead into thanks to Trump. This is what Christians want more of? I hope we send all their children to war because I’m not sending mine.