Because it’s populating my feed?
Because it’s populating my feed?
This is actually why I stopped using Startrek.website, though. One of their mods posts constant updates about STO. Honestly, I’m pretty sure he’s employed by STO.
To be fair, it is kind of odd to post patch notes. All sorts of games get new patches all the time. If people start making a habit of posting every set of patch notes for the games that they play, it’d very quickly become a substantial portion of the posts here.
Personally, if people were regularly spamming patch notes I’d probably eventually either block the community or block the poster.
It’s good to see this. This is vital. Atomizing the coalitions that can build the numbers to oppose entrenched corpo-fascist power is a substantial part of the strategy for rendering us toothless. Coming together in spite of our differences is absolutely necessary to combating that strategy.
Looks like it’s just a picture of something sitting in relatively still water that’s just been flipped upside down.
Where the hell is the military to protect the constitution?
Yeah, but communication was so different at that time and the awareness of like, as stupid as it sounds, just the concept that racism is bad was so abysmal. Like, looking at the way people talked about race at the time it doesn’t seem like there was much awareness at all of how unreasonable and harmful racism is to society as a whole. Obviously we’ve still got a long way to go on that, and Trump’s election can be seen as an indicator that we’re not as far as some might have guessed (probably mostly white people), but people do seem to be at least more aware than they were. We also have the knowledge of that history of both the Japanese internment camps in the US and Germany’s concentration camps.
There definitely are substantial dehumanization efforts acting to counter this knowledge. But even there, you hear these stories of people being shocked that people they knew and cared about were among the people being deported during these crackdowns. They were sold on the idea of ‘bad people’ being deported, but the actuality is that it’s their neighbors who they actually like or even rely on who fall victim to these policies. A lot of people think of this stuff in terms of ‘exceptions’, where they might have a principle that they’re against undocumented immigration, but they don’t realize that the person at the counter of the local restaurant who they have a positive impression of is undocumented.
I see this myself every time I go to the grocery store. I can tell there are people who voted for Trump and are largely on board with the transphobic rhetoric in theory, but when they interact with me in the simplest of ways you can see this guilt in their face as they realize I’m actually just another human being and part of their community. They may not like the bogeyman of trans people, but when they meet an actual human being who’s kind to them? Even who just smiles at them and says hello? It conflicts with that propaganda that they’ve acted on in their politics and they literally do feel bad. Not all of them, to be sure, but some of them. That’s a good sign.
It means that there’s some capacity for learning. That we may be susceptible to propaganda and ignorance, but we’re also capable of learning from our mistakes. The question is how long it takes that capacity for learning to be triggered and override our capacity for ignorance, and how bad things get in the mean time.
Hopefully seeing those camps is one of the things that triggers that learning. That it rhymes enough with the history we’re aware of that people in the right positions start to realize how dangerously close we’re getting to something really bad before we actually get all the way there.
Like I can understand wanting to maximize exposure, but they could literally just set up cross-posting and journalists could start screencapping their mastodon instead of their twitter. But people can’t even be bothered with that level of ease. It’s easier to just do what they’ve been doing, so that’s what they do.
Honestly, it makes me wonder if this crisis mode shit that Trump is sparking will end up finally lighting a fire under people’s asses on a few things and getting them to move the ball where they would have just sat around talking about moving the ball otherwise.
I hope this level of stupidity acts as a sort of social vaccine before it does too much damage.
Not to undercut the story itself, but I find it absolutely wild that people are still using Twitter to talk about this. Like… what? If you can’t even get off Twitter how are you going to do anything actually substantive?
Most single player steam games are cracked anyway. The real danger of steam is the reliance on it for most multiplayer games. Though if it were to get particularly nasty I imagine adding aftermarket multiplayer functionality would probably be in the realm of possibility. If private WoW servers are a thing, it stands to reason that the same can be done with a lot of other games.
I would also like to know this. I’d rather not start making content only to realize I picked an instance with insufficient resources or that’s just going to disappear in a couple of months.
The controversial columnist is exiting the New York Times “Opinion” section this spring as part of a wave of job cuts. In 2022, after a decade of editing the Book Review, Paul joined “Opinion,” where she quickly gained a reputation as a liberal contrarian determined to court the rage of the online left. Over three short years, Paul has breezily claimed that free speech is under assault by woke activists, that gender medicine is mutilating a generation of children, and that America has become a dark, dystopian place where freethinkers get canceled and nobody reads books anymore. Through all of this, she has proudly donned the mantle of a beleaguered liberal, rejecting any suggestion that she has collaborated with the victorious right. “If people on the fringe are accusing me of ‘making straw-man arguments’ or ‘both-siderism,’” Paul said in 2023, “then I know that I’ve done something right.”
Wow what an absolute hero. 🙄
aaaaa you’re not me!
It is incredibly obvious that CAPTCHAs are at the very least a way of exploiting distributed labor to train AI.
An archive link would probably help if you want people to actually read the article.
Stract seems kind of bad. Results are mostly irrelevant. It seems impossible to get information about any sort of local stores or anything like that. I literally can’t search up a youtube page. Like, the ways in which google actually still functions don’t work on stract at all.
Literally none of that changes the self-destructive stupidity of letting Trump get into office.
It isn’t about whether the Democrats are exemplary or even decent. It’s about the actual result of your actions. Are the Democrats to blame for failing to act, for failing to prevent a second term, and for all the other mistakes and capitulations they’re guilty of? Absolutely. Does that absolve voters of responsibility? Not even a little bit.
At the end of the day, voters still decided that they were willing to let others suffer. They decided that Palestinians don’t matter, that health care doesn’t matter, that trans rights don’t matter, that immigrants don’t matter, that the environment doesn’t matter, that access to food and housing doesn’t matter, that reproductive rights don’t matter, and on and on and on, because it’s more important to send a message that they don’t approve of the Democrats.
Everyone who spread the narrative that they’re no different is complicit in everything Trump does, because this is what you chose. This is the supposed lack of difference. This is what you said doesn’t matter and isn’t important.
Nothing you say about the Democrats will wash the blood from your hands.
Literally. This is the result of the level of discourse on the internet and of petty one-upsmanship with a complete disconnect from reality. All that matters is being ‘right’ not what actually happens in the world. Therefore it’s a race to the bottom while doing everything possible to shatter any political power that might have resulted in a coalition with any chance of saving anything.
So we get the worst because people are too busy shitting on anyone they can point a finger at for not being their idea of perfect.
We are apparently incapable of learning how to get along with one another on the left and are utterly susceptible to atomization, while the right is capable of banding together with absolute moral bankruptcy to light the planet on fire, commit genocide, and destroy every social service we ever had.
Fucking infuriating that this feckless performative bullshit is the best we can muster. That we literally are too divided by pointing out everything wrong with everyone else to ever get together and accomplish anything.
The stupid thing is, the people directing the bot farms that started this? They fucked themselves too. The right fucked themselves, the center fucked themselves, the left who couldn’t get it together to work with anyone lacking ideological ‘purity’ fucked themselves.
Humans are too stupid to exist. Fucking checkmate. We all lose.
Gloat? Hello? I’m furious. The people who pushed this angle successfully fucked the world up for a bunch of people including themselves.
They may literally have wiped us out. All of us. They almost certainly doomed millions to die of entirely preventable environmental disasters.
For what? Hyperbole? Spite? Fucking really?
So… No one should ever give any feedback on what kinds of thread anyone else posts? Not sure I agree with that.