… there’s a hole in the bucket, Dear Liza dear Liza
… there’s a hole in the bucket, Dear Liza dear Liza
They’re referring to how espressos uses pressure to extract the flavor from the grounds vs pour over which relies on a good grind and a proper bloom.
Killer App in this instance really means “a use case that justifies the cost”
It’s easy and makes good coffee and you don’t have to fuck about with a machine or pods and all kinds of waste
The person you’re talking to is deliberately not going to agree with anything you’re saying, fyi.
To it may concern:
“Fear is the pie killer. Fear crumbles the crust, withers the rise, and spoils the yeast. I will let the fear knead through me. And when it has passed, I will turn the loaf to see its path. Where the fear has gone, the bread will grow. Only the loaf will remain.”
I tell Ms. bunnys that the reason I can’t bake is because I’m such a good cook and the reason she can’t cook is because she’s such a good baker.
… do some of us go on the journey with the cow who sees the light and others on the journey with the cow how doesn’t?
Or are we already on the path with the cow and our other is on the path with their cow?
My mom used to cut our honey nut tasteeos with regular tasteeos.
Like a 3 parts regular to 1 party honey nut cut.
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The bits to make the light be shown by the cpu/gpu use the magic zip zap tho
The wrong thread to stumble into during lunch, but that’s on me.
Now, in the 20s
Fuck, my back
No I didn’t actually.
I’ve never bothered with the app.
I just use airplay and let HomeKit handle it and have had absolutely 0 issues with it.
My appleTV discovered it and provided it to HomeKit and I was done.
I’ve had my Sonos sound bar controlled by HomeKit since the day I bought it and have never needed to fuck with their app.
I guess I got lucky?
If you’re actually being serious as opposed to trolling, up to about 88 degrees a fan is capable of cooling the human body sufficiently where lowering air temperature isn’t necessary.
Assuming it’s not too humid that is
It’s playing a bass or cello methinks