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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 3rd, 2023


  • You cannot introduce a human structure to manage water more efficiently than nature

    If you actually believe this then there’s nothing anyone can say to help you.

    If a naturally occuring spring runs directly into a wide flat area in the middle of the Mojave desert, then it doesn’t naturally reabsorb into the ground as the hard pack just makes it sit on the surface. Since the water is shallow and sitting on the surface, it evaporates instead of being used to water native plants or support native animals.

    The golf course in question is not a dam, it’s putting the already available water to use more efficiently. Growing non-native grass, but also native plant species, and providing native insects and animals a way to utilize that water before it would have otherwise evaporated.

    Dams destroy native ecosystems by flooding and displacing them, or removing available water downstream. The golf course in question does none of those things.

    “Nature is perfect and humans are capable of nothing but destroying it” is a great take BTW. You could have saved a few people some time by leading with that.

  • You must be trolling.

    Birds, insects, and reptiles are common even in the desert. A species can be native to an ecosystem or region, without naturally occuring in an small locality.

    If humans manage water more efficiently than nature would have in this locality, it stands to reason that the resulting local ecosystem would be able to attract and support more native wildlife.

    This is observable and provable for golf courses which manage their resources with a focus on limiting their natural resource use and increasing local biodiversity.

    You just hate golf courses, which is fine, but you sound pretty uninformed.

  • If you’re visiting a country that doesn’t have enough grass to sustain pissing on a tree, you’re going to the wrong places for golf.

    I’m not sure I understand? Did you mean county?

    It sounds like this course is located at a natural oasis fed by a natural spring. If the course wasn’t there the water would probably feed some plant life and a bit of wildlife. With proper management it’s likely that their water use is more efficient than it would have been naturally. It isn’t unusual for resource aware golf courses to actually improve biodiversity in a region while being water consumption neutral.

  • I’m pretty sure I didn’t mess with systemd, though that would probably be the right way to handle it.

    I was able to update a runtime config so if any storage wasn’t available it just halted the service. Then I created a short script I’d invoke manually which decrypted the luks drives and brought the dependent services up. I also added monitoring to alert me when the drives weren’t available for whatever reason.

  • I use separate disks for data storage and my OS. That way a headless system can boot and all the services like SSH can become available, and I can decrypt the data drives remotely.

    When there’s an unexpected reboot I can still get into my system and decrypt remotely which is nice. I can also move the data storage disks to another system without too much hassle.

    I did have to make sure some services were fault tolerant if an encrypted volume was unavailable when the OS booted. An example of this might be torrenting software, I needed to make sure the temporary storage was on an encrypted volume. The software had a sane fault mode when the final storage location was unavailable, but freaked out for some reason when the temp storage was missing.

    Once set up the whole thing is pretty easy to manage.

  • I’d enact a set of changes which would end up making NCAA football look like the NFL, but with relegation.

    Recind NCAA governance of college football, form a football only league.

    Enforce two primary conferences at the championship level, with a max size of 20-ish teams per conference. Only teams in these two conferences may compete in the end of year 8-12 team championship playoff.

    The bottom two teams from each championship conference get relegated at the end of the year, and the top two teams from the non-championship conferences are promoted.

    Promote interconference play at the league level during the regular season to get a better idea of strength of schedule. Require teams who want to maintain rivalry games with teams from other conferences to use their non-conference game weeks.

    Make the money side of the game more standardized, with profit sharing from championship conference teams with those in other conferences. Protect a promoted team from being relegated for 1-2 years to encourage roster and program building.

    This way we can still have a hundred bowl games, and teams with less money or organizational motivation to maintain championship level programs can still play meaningful games in competitive conferences.

    I can almost guarantee that the promotion and relegation bowls will be more interesting than the national championship.

  • I know this is a privacy community, but I’m not sure I’m onboard with the outrage on this particular one. If you rent/lease or go on a payment plan for the device you’re using, then it isn’t yours, it belongs to the entity you borrowed it from.

    If I don’t make car payments, the bank can repossess my ride. If I dont pay my mortgage or rent, I can be evicted by my landlord or bank.

    If I don’t make my phone payment, the company should have recourse to prevent me from using their device.

    This could open up the ability for bad actors to disable my device, and I agree that’s a horrible prospect. But the idea of a legitimate creditor using this feature to reclaim their property is not something I find shocking.

  • I’m not sure what qualifying language you took offense at, and I wasn’t intending to be condescending.

    I admitted that my experience was indeed anecdotal, but I stand by my statements. If you’re good at what you do in tech, you have a few years of experience, and you’re willing to take take positions that differ from your comfort zone you should never be without well paying work.

    I’m always in the market as you put it, even though I’m not looking to leave my current position any time soon. I did 2 interviews in the last 7 days, and I turn down offers probably once a month.

    I know this isn’t how it works for everyone in tech, but once you get your career grooved it isn’t unrealistic.

  • This hasn’t been my (anecdotal) experience, or that of anyone in my network.

    The industry is unstable no doubt about that, but we’ve never had trouble finding better places to land.

    IMO if you’ve been in tech building your skills for a few years, you really shouldn’t have trouble finding work. '01 was weird but there was still plenty of work, especially in defense. '08 was scary but turned out to be a great time to join a startup. Sometimes it’s a lateral move instead of up, sometimes it requires relocating , but if you’ve been doing good work and building your professional network you should never have to go back to driving forklifts (unless you choose to).