Sounds like someone who’s never seen a wild banana.
I take my shitposts very seriously.
Sounds like someone who’s never seen a wild banana.
I’ve seen Don’t Look Up. Having the technology to carry out a mission like that is the easy part.
corporations that would ban Linux from their network
You can’t change the license retroactively. Corporations would likely hard-fork the kernel at the last GPL2 commit and move it to a restricted but compliant access model like Red Hat did.
The world really ended in 2012. We’re living through the blooper reel.
There’s a massive difference between the average Windows user and the average PHP developer. It’s a false equivalence.
The regular computer user who just needs their apps to run won’t likely make the effort to enter an entirely new ecosystem as long as those apps run. Even with the most user-friendly distros, the barrier of entry is still high. And when their apps break? They’ll reinstall Windows or pay someone else to fix it.
I love shitting on Microsoft as much as the next penguin, but they’re not idiots. Even if some of their decisions are questionable, Windows is still a major part of their business, and they won’t just let it degrade to a point where Linux converts are a significant threat to their profit.
(I did not downvote you, by the way, that was someone else)
Games actually provide lots of debugging information, but not in an easily accessible manner. It is usually printed to stdout
or stderr
, which is to say, to a terminal output, and you’ll only see it if the game executable is launched from a terminal or the outputs are redirected to a file.
the only way that’s going to keep Microsoft on top in the long term.
You underestimate the complacency of the masses.
and impulse 101
And the most powerful one: bind w kill
He’s spreading cheeks to the muskrat with both hands, and in the process, “accidentally” banned a ton of NSFW subs. This made at least some people realize that their future is not guaranteed on reddit, that an off-service backup is needed; then a r/piracy post mentioning Lemmy reached the front page.
I bet Styropyro has a box of them tucked away somewhere. His laser defense turrets will have unmatched accuracy.
Yes it does. 1945 was 80 years ago, which is easily grandparent age.
Assume that great-grandfather is born in 1920 in Germany. He would be old enough to commit crimes against humanity and flee to Argentina at the war’s conclusion, at the age of 25. If he immediately had children in 1946, and they migrated back to Germany in the 60s or 70s, they could easily have adult grandchildren by today. German great-grandparent, Argentinian-born grandparent, German parent.
It’s easy to condemn soldiers of the axis today, but being a conscientious objector wasn’t easy or good for the health during that time.
@[email protected] just doesn’t roll off the tongue that easily.
Here’s a cursed idea for capitalists: renting your online identity. You pay a subscription fee to keep your original username, or you get an ugly suffix. If a suffixless username becomes available, it is put on auction for the suffixed plebeians.
Damn, who could’ve seen this coming. One hand washes the other.
The people who voted for Trump because Harris wasn’t vocal enough on Israel should get this article tattooed on their fucking skin.
Not useless, but it can go bad much quicker. A few years ago I lost a rotary hoe because the engine had been damaged and the carburetor had gotten clogged. The fuel was less than a year old, but closer in color to cooking oil.
If gasoline sits in open air or a non-sealed container for a long time, its lighter fractions will eventually evaporate. The heavier fractions can cause blockages and misfires. It can still be used, but you have to dilute it with fresh gasoline. If it happens while inside an engine, the carburetor should be rinsed with fresh gasoline to remove clogs.
I don’t understand, please show me which part of this bike needs gasoline to function.
Some, but the output drops significantly. Solar panels like direct sunlight. Even a thin cloud layer can reduce the output just by both blocking and diffusing sunlight.
(The graphs are just for illustration, I have no context for them)
A car-sized EV’s convenience is wasteful when energy is scarce and other options are available.
My compose.yaml inside...
volumes: db: services: db: image: mariadb:10.6 restart: always command: --transaction-isolation=READ-COMMITTED --log-bin=binlog --binlog-format=ROW volumes: - db:/var/lib/mysql secrets: - mysql_root_password - mysql_nextcloud_password environment: - MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD_FILE=/run/secrets/mysql_root_password - MYSQL_PASSWORD_FILE=/run/secrets/mysql_nextcloud_password - MYSQL_DATABASE= - MYSQL_USER= nextcloud: image: nextcloud restart: always ports: - 8080:80 depends_on: - db links: - db volumes: - /var/www/html:/var/www/html - /srv/data:/srv/data secrets: - mysql_nextcloud_password environment: - MYSQL_PASSWORD_FILE=/run/secrets/mysql_nextcloud_password - MYSQL_DATABASE= - MYSQL_USER= - MYSQL_HOST=db secrets: mysql_root_password: file: ... mysql_nextcloud_password: file: ...
If you use the
element in thenextcloud
service, the services listed there will be available using their hostnames. On the Nextcloud setup screen, choose mysql as the database engine, usedb
as the database host, and enter matching values into the other fields.