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Joined 7 months ago
Cake day: December 20th, 2023

  • Well, simply that, a false positive on the drive gets the whole Google account removed. Not just the drive access, but all your past mails (and the future mails you will receive because you are unable to tell others that you had to change your Mail ID), all other accounts you made using said ID become harder to access and same for other Google services (paid or not) that you might be using at that moment.

    And you can’t even send a user data retrieval request.

  • The real psychological pain comes from the realisation that your parent never really cared about your boundaries.
    They’ll even give your ITR account OTP to someone who will block you out from it and it will be your fault for trusting them with it, but I guess this example is too irrelevant.

    The teenage years are around the time when children start evaluating their own actions and start having their own personality (which is kinda related to the rebellious stage). They realise the power dynamic between them and their parent which they were until then not conscious about.
    It is the parents’ actions during this time that determines what their evaluation of the past power dynamic will be and so will be their decision of what relationship they will have with their parents once they are financially independent.

    So, whether or not the experience is traumatic, your future relationship with your child depends upon how much they care about who sees their pictures.

  • RV64 has a maximum 32-bit instruction encoding

    I kinda expected that to happen, since there’s already enough to fit all required functions. So yeah, even this is not a good enough criteria for bit rating.

    those original 8-bit intructions still exist, and take up a huge part of the encoding space, cutting the number of n-bit instructions to more like 2^(n-7)

    err… they are still instructions, right? And they are implemented. I don’t see why you would negate that from the number of instructions.

  • Well, when you make a multithreaded application, usually there is one main thread, which controls everything else, timings and all.

    The alternative

    is to have all threads know how to sync with whichever other thread they need to sync with, whenever they need to. This way tends to be more difficult (and I am yet to think of a use case and application methodology for this method).

    Now usually you make sure not to have any blocking function (large calculation or file R/W requiring HDD fetching) on the main thread. Maybe they made some mistakes in this regard in their previous games and did better this time.

    From what I see, it seems like they didn’t use the graphics API (seems to be Vulkan) properly enough, for which I can’t do anything, given my lack of exp with it. Perhaps a god time for me to delve into Vulkan.

  • I mean if you’re german you could try working for them lol

    That seems to be the main barrier, yeah.

    But I checked htop while running the game and it doesn’t seem to be doing all single core stuff as you said. Unless it is that the bottlenecking thread is not even using the available core to the full extent.
    I checked it out with both linux and linux-zen kernels.

    Usually, when a program is loading on a single thread, you tend to see a single core go to 100% for a few seconds, which then jumps around as the OS switches the core provided to the thread. That was not happening here.
    Also, the new GPU is sometimes at ~60-70% while the FPS is dropping to 30. This part was weird.