I’ve always got help, and the moderators are really nice.
I’ve always got help, and the moderators are really nice.
This is unrelated. You want to familiarize yourself with the concept of OS integrity and how it is different from data encryption. You can have a passphrase that encrypts your data alongside having access to these hardware features.
It has very minimal code and its implemented in a robust manner. Unlike UEFI and the desktop implementation of secure boot, it does work well and it has not yet been exploited on pixels. Its way better to have any kind of OS integrity check than none.
Switzerland be W Rizz Skibidi af ngl 🤪
Even if it wasn’t spyware, there is 0 reason to use it over other options.
What to counter? You like 1drive and i dont.
This is not unpopular, just the wrong opinion. “Think different.”
None. This person doesn’t know what they are talking about and they try to discredit the project based on their personal views and demonize the dev team.
Again, you demonstrate that you don’t have the sufficient knowledge. There is no commerical device with open-source firmware. “Security Requirements” are not some kind of marketing bullshit as you seem to think. Graphene’s can be found here: https://grapheneos.org/faq#future-devices
I doubt you understand what any of them mean, since you seemingly think Windows 11 requirements are just random things that are just there to hurt you.
You thinking that Stock Google devices are more secure than GOS simply shows that you fundamentally lack the understanding of how things work. They are built on the same core but Graphene has massively reduced attack surface and fewer ways to exploit remotely. And then we didn’t even talk about the hardened kernel and such.
I wouldn’t try to discredit projects I don’t know anything about if I were you.
It does not “ship” them. They are available at your option. Other solutions to solve the google problem such as MicroG have/had several security issues. My favourite was when they leaked user passwords.
By this logic rpiOS sucks because its only supported on Raspberry PIs. Only Pixel hardware meets the security requirements of Graphene.
You really have 0 understanding on how all this works 😭
Name only one reason that is relevant from a technical standpoint.
Not the only one but its factually the best one. Questionable to me is your expertise on this topic when you deter people from using the best option, based on your unrelated, subjective, non-technical views.
Because you make it that. Its political for you but for me, no.