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Joined 8 months ago
Cake day: October 25th, 2023

  • Indeed this is not correct. Practically speaking, the soldier should keep refusing the order and will be relieved of duty and thrown in the brig. They will then have to hope that by the time the court martial date rolls around their name has been cleared and the officer who gave the order has been or will be court martialed in their place.

    Theoretically the officer should go through every underling and find nobody willing to execute illegal orders, but practically they’d only need to go through three or four at most before they had a volunteer.

  • I really enjoyed learning to homebrew, and my family and friends really enjoyed drinking the mead I’ve made. You can homebrew all sorts of stuff, too - beer and wine of course, but also kombucha and ginger ale (edit: and cider! Thanks /u/cyberpunk007). I’m looking at professional kit for my next batch which is going to be a few hundred dollars at least of steel, but my first fermentation tubs were something like $35.

    My only up-front recommendation would be to get a conical fermenter as it minimises loss when racking/bottling.

  • Man, most bands start as a group of friends playing together for fun. Yes, sucking isn’t fun - the fun comes from surmounting those obstacles and seeing yourself improve. I sucked at Dark Souls when I first picked it up, but I wanted to be good, so I sat down and practiced parrying against basic enemies until I could get it consistently. I suck at guitar too, it hurts my fingers and makes my hands cramp and it wasn’t worth it to me to push through that to get good.

    You know what I did about it? I sold my guitar on craigslist and moved on. I didn’t go on the internet and whine about it, nor did I get impudent with people who took the time to offer me advice - really rather good advice, in this thread. Your attitude sucks. Adjust that, and then either sit down and practice or find a new hobby. Nobody gives a shit that being bad makes you sad.

  • Eh, I still wouldn’t call it a scam. Words have meaning and scams are intentional; this team just couldn’t do what they thought they could, and made a mediocre version of what they had planned. Game development is hard. I’ve tried to get started on simple little projects in UE and Unity a couple times, and the furthest I got was a model that could run and jump on an endless procedural landscape (before the game crashed because the map got too big I mean).

    So yeah, absolutely call it a bad purchase, but I don’t think it’s fair to say they were out to “scam” anyone. We got a game, and it wasn’t even truly terrible - way better than that Gollum “RPG” for example - it just didn’t live up to the hype, and better games in the genre exist like Grim Dawn, Last Epoch, PoE, etc.