Russian security forces raided gay clubs and bars across Moscow Friday night, less than 48 hours after the country’s top court banned what it called the “global LGBTQ+ movement” as an extremist organization.

Police searched venues across the Russian capital, including a nightclub, a male sauna, and a bar that hosted LGBTQ+ parties, under the pretext of a drug raid, local media reported.

Eyewitnesses told journalists that clubgoers’ documents were checked and photographed by the security services. They also said that managers had been able to warn patrons before police arrived.

      10 months ago

      Their Stochastic terrorism has too low of a rate. Either move onto more practical efforts, or make the whole world worse to increase the Stochastic terrorism rates.

      Well shit, they’re just going to do both.

      10 months ago

      Florida here checking in.

      Our government is hard at work on this.

      Check out this pending bill up for vote during the next session:

      Essentially it makes it illegal to be transgender and have a job in government or government adjacent.

      Here is an excert: It is the policy of the state that a person’s sex is an immutable biological trait and that it is false to ascribe to a person a pronoun that does not correspond to such person’s sex. This section does not apply to individuals born with a genetically or biochemically verifiable disorder of sex development, including, but not limited to, XX disorder of sex development; XY disorder of sex development; sex chromosome disorder of sex development; XX or XY sex reversal; and ovotesticular disorder.

      An employee or a contractor may not be required, as a condition of employment, to refer to another person using that person’s preferred personal title or pronouns if such personal title or pronouns do not correspond to that person’s sex.
      An employee or a contractor may not provide to an employer his or her preferred personal title or pronouns if such preferred personal title or pronouns do not correspond to his or her sex.
      An employee or a contractor may not be asked by an employer to provide his or her preferred personal title or pronouns or be penalized or subjected to adverse personnel action for not providing his or her preferred personal title or pronouns.

      It continues on about not being able to fire people for thinking being gay is a sin and so on, but I don’t want this to be a novel.

        10 months ago

        That bill doesn’t make it illegal for transgender people to have a job in government or government adjacent. It merely prohibits them from requiring (with the force of law) other people to acknowledge their sexual identity.

        No doubt it makes it difficult for some transgender people – namely those who are unable to function if people don’t acknowledge them – to hold some jobs, though, but it doesn’t forbid it as you imply.

        This is essentially a pro freedom of speech legislation. To compare this with the Russians raiding gay bars and making “gay propaganda” illegal is preposterous.

        If I read the bill wrong, please correct me.