• Artyom@lemm.ee
    11 months ago

    Oh yeah, a bank shutdown turned out great for Argentina the last time they did it.

    • Mothra@mander.xyz
      11 months ago

      I missed that previous time, I did a quick Google search but I’m not getting results. Would you know roughly when that happened?

      • Artyom@lemm.ee
        11 months ago

        In 2002, there was a major bank freeze overnight in Argentina. They reopened months later, and because of how they now pegged to the dollar, the value of the accounts were functionally cut in half. In those months, many local neighborhoods invented their own bartering systems and it was a whole mess.

        This was around the time the USA invaded Afghanistan, which explains why most people don’t know about it, but it was obviously a major event for Argentina.

        • Coki91@dormi.zone
          11 months ago

          This is false, the Central Bank has not stopped running ever since it was opened and the event you are talking about is also not due to “it closing”

            • Coki91@dormi.zone
              11 months ago

              Thats fair, however they are from the same person. Cohesion was to be expected

  • goat@sh.itjust.worksOP
    11 months ago

    i can usually understand most political views, but libertarians just make me confused

    • wjrii@kbin.social
      11 months ago

      TL;DR: Basically, in the US at least, Libertarians are spoiled white guys who don’t even understand how good they have it and have Ayn Rand power fantasies that they’ll make their own way and the rest of the world has just been dragging them down.

      A couple of my college buddies are full on Ludwig Von Mises/Murray Rothbard anarcho-capitalist nutjobs. The basic conceit is that all governments and states are illegitimate uses of force and are drags on the free functioning of the economy. Left with no “coercive” governments, people will competitively self-organize into private collectives to replace all governmental services, and all resources will flow to their best and natural use. It’s absurdly naive and ignores absolutely everything about human nature and even the de facto reality of their desired end state.

      So somehow private property will continue to exist and be protected by voluntary courts and security, and funny how it works out that in this case my buddies get to keep the fruits of the privilege enjoyed by centuries of their ancestors and built up in a decidedly non anarcho-capitalist system. All existing government property will be sold off and the proceeds distributed to… someone? No word on how natural monopolies like the best water route between two river ports will be handled, but it will be privately negotiated and definitely perfect!

      It will be a utopia of people pulling themselves up by the bootstraps and not letting silly things like “personal safety” or “living wage” or “stewardship of resources” get in the way of making the completely even-handed and non-coercive deals that all people will make with the private entities that spring up to replace governments, but only VOLUNTARILY! People definitely won’t make deals they don’t like, and that reduce their future power, to avoid death in a “market” with limited opportunities. They definitely won’t leave their shares (or whatever) to their children and recreate all the same social structures we have now, but with corporate self-interest as literally the only governing norm.

      Now, I suppose you could end up with corporate bodies that are outcompeted by “fairer” competitors (ignoring, of course, all first mover advantages and the willingness to protect profits by violent force that we already see in so many times and places), or maybe certain security and judicial corporations will make agreements with each other and install themselves as a layer over the more economically productive companies and collect fees that are definitely not taxes. Maybe some of them will be the “fairer” entities.

      But where does that leave you? Basically, our current world is already at least a little better than the libertarians’ best-case scenario, and what their system really does is tell people to give up, that they are not worth one cent more than the economic value they can provide to someone else, and that they deserve no voice in the governance of their lives beyond what they can take.

      How this doesn’t descend into competing warlord fiefdoms, eventually to be swept away by spasms of violence (in this system, “competition” is just a euphemism for politics and war), is beyond me. With some luck, it might lead to some parts of the world on a tortuously slow and uneven march in the vague direction of egalitarian governance to moderate the use of coercive force. In that case, CONGRATULATIONS! You’ve landed the world right back where it started, but now with millions dead and the Earth in even worse shape than it would have been.

      • Chetzemoka@startrek.website
        11 months ago

        Comment saved because my god I get so tired of trying to explain this to people, and I’ve never done so as eloquently as this.

        • wjrii@kbin.social
          10 months ago

          I mean, the anarcho-capitalists are fairly extreme, but the libertarians in general seem to be people who want to lock in the benefits they’ve got in the current system and remove any barriers to fucking over people who don’t have them. They also seem to forget that you can’t just declare that coercive force no longer exists. The best you can do is try to have some sort of consensus to apply it fairly and sparingly and in the pursuit of noble ends. All of their proposals are just variations on directing the thrust of that power to enforce the status quo when it comes to property holders.

          The crazy thing is I’m not even particularly ideological, and I imagine our friends on the .ml domains would not be fans of me. I am just in favor of measures to moderate the worst tendencies of capitalism and to preserve the fact that no one succeeds in a vacuum, things like paying my fair share so people can have safety and opportunity. The Libertarians are just not what they claim to be, either because they’re evil or naive.

    • Coki91@dormi.zone
      11 months ago

      This move is a necessity in Argentina’s Political and Economical situation, by shutting down the Central Bank (and subsequently moving to Dollars) Milei is killing the Politicians’ (long standing and abused) Ability to finance themselves with monetary emissions (their Agendas and Deficient governments just to not say corrupt money laundering), which is the cause of inflation, which makes all Argentines poorer by the hour.

      It is if not his biggest, one of the major promises on his campaign and the one most people voted him for, Argentines understand (as seen trough Random Street interviews) that this will create major hiccup on Economy while they transition to dollar, but given it’s long tern effects are willing to put up with it

      • KevonLooney@lemm.ee
        11 months ago

        The long term effects are going to be serious whiplash. The monetary regime would go from severe inflation to super low inflation (below what Argentina needs). They will essentially be using Argentinian Government funds to buy US dollars, thereby helping the US keep its inflation under control.

        That’s good for the US, but Argentina may fall into a recession. Growing economies need a growing money supply or businesses will not be able to borrow money to expand. By essentially hitching their economy to the slower growing US economy, Argentina is ensuring that their businesses pay high interest rates to borrow money. The US government is paying you 5%, risk free. Why tf would anyone loan money to Argentina less than 10-15%?

        Remember how US tech companies all fired people at the same time when the Federal Reserve increased interest rates (it happened)? That’s what will happen to many companies in Argentina at the same time.

        Edit: lol, he was just lying about “dollarization” for votes because it’s nuts:

        He added no dollarization was planned in the short-term, as fiscal and monetary stabilization were need, the first source said.


        • Coki91@dormi.zone
          11 months ago

          Yes, its gonna be serious and difficult, but like said they are willing to put up with it… with they I mean the 55% that voted him of course…

          And no, the dollarization was not a lie, like he said (his whole campaign…) it’s for the long term, first comes solving the gigantic Economical Deficit the State currently generates, then it’s Public Organization’s and then cutting taxes, only then he’ll move forward with it obviously because otherwise is suicide.

          And this is very important to remark: News Outlets other than Javier Milei’s Official Twitter Account or the Government’s Official Channel (after December 10) ARE NOT TO BE TRUSTED. You may think this is just him shielding against media “calling him out” but there is a serious issue with Argentina’s News outlets: They are funded by the current government and are VERY functional to it. Other International Media arent necessarily but yeah it’s obviously more profitable to report “Argentina’s new president is A NAZI” than “Argentina’s New President Denies the Made up Number of Dictatorship deaths” (which just in case, the authorities that made up the number did confess to making it up in national TV)

          Hell, its even as bad he’s been putting “Official Communication” posts to clarify that what the media is saying about his proposals or plans is false, including those claims of him backing down on Dollarization.