Testimonies from camp residents, which were provided to the Euro-Med Monitor team, confirm that the sound of women screaming and babies crying was heard late at night on both Sunday and Monday. When some of the residents went out to investigate and tried to help, they were shot at by Israeli quadcopter drones. The sounds they had heard were in fact recordings playedby the Israeli drones, with the intent of forcing the camp’s residents out into the streets, where they could be easily targeted by snipers and other weaponry.

According to the testimonies, this tactic also involved broadcasting gunshots, armed conflicts, explosions, military vehicle movements, and occasionally songs in Hebrew and Arabic in order to psychologically intimidate civilians who live amid total darkness at night and total disconnection from the external world.

The Israeli army randomly and systematically targeted anyone in the Nuseirat camp who was simply walking down the street or peering out of windows, and also targeted some civilian residents who were attempting to move between shelter centres and homes or investigate what was going on in the area. The intensity of bombing and shooting operations increases during the course of the night, directly and purposefully targeting populated residential areas, civilian targets, including schools and mosques that house displaced people, as well as the civilian populace with the intention of killing and injuring them.

  • Carrolade@lemmy.world
    6 months ago

    I’m not. I do approach everything on here with a degree of skepticism though. Nothing simply gets blind faith.

    In this case, when the IDF wants to kill someone, they just blow up the building/vehicle they are in. Luring people out to machine gun them down from drones smacks of sensationalist bs, and no evidence is provided beyond supposed testimonies.

    • OccamsTeapot@lemmy.world
      6 months ago

      Given the reports of “kill zones” used by the IDF it doesn’t seem so unrealistic.

      You’re right of course, that you shouldn’t blindly believe this type of stuff. If the IDF hadn’t killed so many journalists and Israel banned outlets it doesn’t like we might have some independent verification of this. But we can’t get it. Honestly while you obviously shouldn’t 100% believe it this fact does make me more likely to believe, because they obviously have something to hide.

      I think Israel is intentionally creating this doubt so their PR, hasbara spewers and supporters can dismiss any crime with faux-superiority and “well it’s unverified.”

      Imagine hearing the testimony of a victim of the attack on October 7th and just being like, naah, just a report, why should I believe this? Well because you know exactly the sort of stuff that happened that day and this person was literally there you fucking idiot. The question is why disbelieve it?

      Likewise, the IDF has done so much disgusting shit and lied so much through the conflict, why should I disbelieve this? I’m cautiously accepting unless further evidence emerges.

      • Carrolade@lemmy.world
        6 months ago

        Well said.

        Personally I neither believe nor disbelieve, I just remain in that “maybe” space in between the two. This space exists for me until well after the war is over. One thing I certainly believe is it is impossible to accurately determine the truth in an active war without seeing it for yourself, so I don’t bother trying.

        The truth comes out later, once it is safe to do more in-depth, time-consuming work with more neutral parties. This is just one part of the problem with wars, their inherent deadliness keeps neutral investigators away.

        edit: Every war is a Schrodinger’s Box, every supposed fact is the cat inside. It cannot actually be opened until people in the area are no longer dying. Essentially.