… it seems Musk has confirmed that he at least plans to create a very simple email service that uses text-only emails that arrive in the style of direct messages.
This sounds like a good idea, but unfortunately Musk is involved. He’s obviously going to use it to feed to his AI (as the article points out).
Nah dawg. I’m good.
Probably end up getting banned from my own email when he gets triggered by whatever he happens to be triggered by that day. Don’t really feel like trusting my data to an adult that acts like a 12 year old.
I think something he just plain doesn’t get… who on earth is the target demographic. There’s no shortage of e-mail services, outlook, yahoo, gmail, as public easy to use ones.
So what I gather, the closest to a major “feature”, is to remove formatting and image ability from the e-mail. Which… most likely means existing e-mails formatted for other platforms, will error out or be unreadable unless individuals choose not to use their formatting ability from their mail clients?
Gmail rose to fame, because it actually solved a real problem. IE at the time gmail came out, hotmail was offering like 10 MB of storage. Google offered 1GB. A change so big people thought the anouncement was just an april fools joke (admitted, announcing it on april 1st was probably intentional for that as well).
Oh awesome, can’t wait to explain how I got a porn site email.
Jeez another X something baby of Musk 🤮
Sure musk, get my private stuff. No, F off you nazi as*hole.
I can’t wait for twitter’s youtube competitor Xvideos!
I just tried that and now Human Resources wants me to come down to meet with them.
As an early adopter, I approve
I wonder when he’ll create an online Fax service and call it FaXimile or something.
Gonna make a porn site to compete with PornHub called s3X.com
He probably started to become active in politics so he can create the UXA at some point.
Get fucked Elon.
Free with the service: a thrice daily digest of edgy quotes from The Xavior, reasons why He is perfect and completely enlightened, and a plethora of ads for musk-related merchandise and products.
No unsubscription option from this will be available. But that’s okay. The cult will gleefully lap all that shit up.
I can’t wait for the first story about how someone’s email account got deleted because they said something less than complimentary about man child Musk on Twatter.
It’s like Gmail but with racism!
Let me remind you that this will be under the same guy who made his employees yank out server machines and transport them in an unprofessional and insecure manner. Your data would be unsafe with him in more than one way.
I feel like I’d even trust Zuckerberg over Musk with my email
And I’d never trust Zuckerberg with my email
I wouldn’t even trust them with my public keys
I’m borrowing that.
Are you going to give it back?
Maybe one day, when you least expect it!