“Well, I also was good at finding faults in anyone who were trying to improve some things and attack them for not improving all things.”
“Have you considered that it just wasn’t thrilling enough for me to vote against literal fascism?”
I’m still not sure what was the reason not to vote the lesser of two weevils here. Some hope that if you show Democrats by not voting them they’ll do the things those people have been calling for? I’d fear they’ll just think of those people as unreliable voters and will just try to get the votes from those who do vote.
Pretty risky move in any case, with Trump being the other alternative.
A part was something in the vein of “voting doesn’t work, bring back the guillotines”. I think they’re called “accelerationists” due to the belief that the current state of affairs can’t be fixed and only by violent revolution can society be rebuilt (in their imagine).
So, some people wanted Trump to win in order to have everything fail and justify blowing shit up.
Somehow I think pretty much all of those people are going to do jack and shit. Being a revolutionary is hardcore and I can respect that but only posting memes online is some Reddit ass slacktivism.
Being a revolutionary means you are willing to die for your cause. Ain’t none of those wannabes willing to die for anything. As long as they have their steam deck.
They just to cry to their mommies and expect the world to cater to their every want and whim. Life doesn’t work like that and never has.
Accelerationism refers to the idea of intentionally making capitalism the worst version of itself so that people have to revolt. It doesn’t work; it makes everything worse without accomplishing the end goal. Generally, the people making these arguments aren’t coming right out and saying they’re accelerationists, but they get there indirectly.
People won’t bring the revolution just because things are bad. You need class consciousness first.
Idealism on the part of the true believers and not the Russian bots. I prefer realism but they are ultimately right, if everyone refused to support evil in any form it wouldn’t exist.
The problem being the average American loves the taste of boot so it’s not that it might not work, eventually, it’s that the world is out of time.
Absolutely hate the people who would sell out my child’s future over some holy war in the desert held by idiots—I mean religious zealots—terrorizing each other. They’re both wrong, don’t sell us out over it.
It’s comments like these that make non-americans like me pray for the fall of the American Empire. Seriously, you people don’t even see the people you murder overseas as human.
that make non-americans like me pray for the fall of the American Empire.
I’m praying with you. But prayer will only get us so far.
I don’t murder anyone. I don’t support either side of that conflict. I don’t like religious people very much. I’d cut support for Israel with the snap of my fingers if I could.
You look at a genocide being committed by your government that you support and say “I hate people who would oppose it”
Because they’re fine with us living in an authoritarian state (that is even less friendly to Palestine, btw) for the sake of it.
You had a better chance of stopping or slowing it if you didn’t let the other side take over our entire government, now Israel has a full pass. Your strategy backfired and made America worse for it.
Sometimes you have to know how to pick and choose your battles. Just like Oct 7 was a cowardly and incredibly stupid move of you truly wanted to end the apartheid state. Murdering people at a music festival was stupid. Maybe if you had fought the IDF in an actual war declared for independence you would’ve have a shit ton more support globally
See what I mean? You American’s are absurdly selfish; you’re fine committing genocide so long as you don’t have to live in an “authoritarian state” (I would argue that a state that is committing genocide regardless of how the people vote is already authoritarian, but as I said, you don’t consider foreigners humans)
Naturally a genocidal American like you thinks Palestinians should never fight back and just meekly be destroyed. You also disprove your own point by demonstrating that no matter what they do, you’ll always believe the propaganda from Israel: like how you think October 7th was just “Murdering people at a music festival”, when it involved attacking multiple military bases and killed hundreds of IDF soldiers (ending up with a far better civilian to soldier ratio than Israel ever does.)
In general, American’s have made it clear that they will never stop killing us by the thousands, and that the only thing that will end it is the collapse of your empire, so in that regard, I welcome anything that destabilizes the USA, and I’m certainly not going to feel sympathy for genocidal Americans getting a taste of what they do to us.
You had a better chance of stopping or slowing it if you didn’t let the other side take over our entire government
Too many Lemmyites didn’t vote hard enough. That’s why every single state in the country trended Republican in 2024. You fucking idiots on a 4th rate social media site ruined things for everyone.
Your argument would be better if the most powerful factions that oppose it weren’t genocidal themselves.
When you think about it, this is really the fault of the Iranians for not submitting quietly to the Shah in 1979.
Everything after that was completely outside anyone’s control.
Not at all what that means but good try, you’ll be a debate bro yet.
Idk, that seems like a pretty shit take to me. It’s not the voting choice I made, but I can see where people are coming from. It’s not just the US selling arms to hostile occupiers, it’s running around with the Cheney’s and the general abandonment of the working and middle class.
They’re both wrong
Those NICU babies bombed by the IDF shouldn’t have joined Hamas.
deleted by creator
Did they pay you extra for this hot take, hasbara?
not each other. western countries esp the us are the ones provoking and arming them for decades. not just in the middle east either.
If you want something more hands on, work on local races this year. They are how we can fight back
Elections are run at the state level in the US. Even for federal offices
Many states have elections this year even despise it being an off year
There are special elections today in Virginia thay will determine who controls the state legislature. If dems remain control, they can block a lot of the Republicans governors attempts to disenfranchise
There are special elections in Minnesota on Jan 28th to determine control of one house of the state legislature
There is an election that will determine control of the Wisconsin state supreme court on April 1st. The more recent Progressive control has lead to Wisconsin getting fair maps as the gerrymandered maps were overturned. We are going to want to keep it that way and build further
There are special elections for various US house members like to replace Matt Gatez on April 1st. Should we win any suprise flips, it will be even harder for Republicans to get things through congresss with their already tight 3 seat majority
And so on
Here’s a frequently updated spreadsheet with various at home volunteering options
EDIT: also on another note, consider running for election yourself. There are various small local positions around you that often go uncontested. Here’s one group that helps progressives run for local office https://runforsomething.net/
Just to add onto this, don’t think that just because you live in a deep red or deep blue area, you can’t mobilize and make a serious difference. Most incumbents get by due to public indifference. Replacing members of both parties in entrenched areas with progressives is possible, but those progressives need help. Any time you can give is always appreciated!
And to add another point, people en masse are followers. They vote the way they are told. At some point, progressives got the idea that it is impolite to tell people how to vote. That means the loudest voices are the most impolite. That’s a breeding ground for fascists and charletains. Speak up, challenge stupidity and lies, and make bigots feel bad again.
We get to pick between a pro landlord, pro oligarchs dem or a milquetoast horrific status quo dem for mayor next year.
Will fighting for one of them to win help anything?
When the only thing you can offer is “make it harder for Republicans” you’ve already lost.
We lost with Citizens United, but it isn’t nothing to fight to keep things from getting worse
That’s not good enough! We will never win with a platform of “keep things from getting worse”
We have to promise to make things better and then work for it and then make it happen.
If you are looking for inspiration, we @[email protected] just finished a 1.5 hour session with lawyers from NLG, historians, and activists to help service members understand their rights and responsibilities when it comes to illegal orders potentially being issued by this administration.
We just uploaded it to youtube and its available here:
“But daddy, mommy said all you did was circle jerk with strangers online”.
“Honey, you can’t circle jerk online. That’s why daddy has all his bros come over on Thursdays.”
Hey now, give me credit:
I also texted them to conservative family members from burner numbers!
bOtH pArTiEs ArE tHe SaMe LoL aMiRiTe WhY bOtHeR vOTiNg sLeEpY jOe memes!
Then I did nothing about it between presidential elections. Nothing. Did not lift a single goddamned finger. Four years later, I demand the party cater to me, Me, ME. An utterly useless deadweight. And smug about it.Well, it would be happier if at least one side catered to voters as opposed to billionaires.
That said, it’s not the fault of only Harris and her campaign, it’s the Democratic leadership from the past 20 years that allowed it to get this bad.
bOtH pArTiEs ArE tHe SaMe LoL aMiRiTe
The Daddy Party comes home drunk from the party and beats you with his belt.
The Mommy Party cries in the corner, telling you there’s nothing she can do because you didn’t support her enough.
Then I did nothing about it between presidential elections.
People blink in and out of existence between elections. Nobody actually exists when they aren’t voting.
Nobody organized with their coworkers to form unions. Nobody carried for relatives that had lost work or gotten sick from the pandemic. Nobody provided care for young children or volunteered to help impoverished neighbors or mucked out homes after devastating hurricanes. Nobody went to school to get advanced degrees in fields necessary for building out green energy or modern transit or dense housing or criminal justice.
Nobody. Did. Anything.
Four years later, I demand the party cater to me, Me, ME.
When you think about it, denouncing genocide is an entirely selfish act.
Smug is such a perfect word for all the morons that decided not to vote, because Harris wasn’t able to fix a 8 decade long problem from the vice president’s desk.
Smug and stupid, because a lot of the Palestine crap posted was done by bots and saboteurs to fracture the left, and oh boy did it work.
Have you noticed how no-one is screeching about Palestine since the election?..
morons that decided not to vote
The only people I see on this board are people who held their noses and voted while complaining nobody else voted but them.
The non-voters aren’t on social media telling you they aren’t going to vote. They’re simply checking out entirely.
The only people who hear you are the ones that did vote for the shitty compromise candidate and are now getting abuse from you because they didn’t vote hard enough.
No, people against genocide are not bots, and liberals have not ever been the left. You people love genocide until it might affect you, you’re not the left.
And just because you were banned from spaces because you were pro genocide, doesn’t mean anyone has stopped talking about Palestine.
I guess you don’t listen to Democracy Now. They’ve been reporting on Palestine every day since the election. The Ralph Nader Radio Hour has been talking about it since the election, too.
.world banned all the criticism
After it would do any good at all, mind you. Good Job Mods? You saved democracy?
He is right about that, you just censored the people who pointed out the problems.
Yep. It was pretty wild that some people actually fell for the Palestine argument. That was only really an issue for a very small minority of the left. Most average Americans couldn’t find it on a map, much less a reason to give a shit about it.
Ultimately, it wasn’t even necessary to try and fracture the left with the Palestine argument. It was already fractured enough that she never stood a chance.
Even in a fairly normal race, it’s silly to think voters would care more about people half a world away, rather than the issues they’re dealing with themselves like the high cost of living, housing shortages, etc.
Okay, so if nobody cared about it, and it didn’t affect Harris…why are you talking about it?
“Fucking legend”
I like how both sides are constantly complaining about the erosion of free society and democracy but both sides also support questionable legislation.
One side is demonstrably worse in literally every political action/debate. I’m no Democrat but this both sides stuff has to stop if we’re ever going to make progress.
That’s only true if you believe one side. The Democrats have also repeatedly expanded surveillance just like the Republicans. There only seem to be a handful of congress people who are are concerned with privacy.
I’m more concerned with poverty than I am with the surveillance state. It’s already here and will never be rolled back. Things could still be done to alleviate poverty like universal healthcare, ubi, etc.
Those who would sacrifice a little liberty, for a little safety, deserve neither.
Sacrifice? It was fucking stolen, shot in the head, and thrown in the sea before anyone knew it was even happening.
Very good literature lesson you have there. Let’s live in the real world. What are you doing to roll back privacy erosion? Kids don’t even understand privacy. I have a nephew that uses his full legal name for everything he does online and will not stop, despite me talking to him about how stupid that is several times.
Privacy is over apart from the tools I’m sure you know about and use. Let’s focus on the big shit.
Well, I’m showing peeps how easy it is to move to tor browser, for more surfing. And if that’s too much, I show and help people install a decent browser plug-in collection.
Also, trying, again, to build a community owned mesh network.
And, getting more people to use signal and proton mail.
And, teaching stop the bleed classes, and organizing range days.
And, until recently, seeding community gardens and tool libraries.
So yes, you don’t need to sacrifice liberty for safety.
Righteous. We should be friends.
The NSA compromised the TOR network as long ago as 2013, it’s not anonymous.
So… what’s the alternative?
Kek it is the long term solution
Nah Anarchist is.
Could you imagine a Trump coming into a Stalin position of power, eugh. We need to move on from states and individuals wielding immense power.
Getting involved in local political action? Mutual aid? Gift economy?
They are going to try to wreck everything. They will fail.
Look at Cassandra over here! /s
What do you prefer to believe?
I don’t believe in any prophecies.
Prudent. But remember the holes in the ceiling are there to let the light in.
Clearly not voting
Storming buildings isn’t wrong to do I hear. Just saying…
Funny, but SO many of those fuckers are either in prison or are facing federal charges still. Like, more than 1200 of them. And that number will only increase.
And Trump is president of the United States of America.
The 2 tiered justice system proven to have no clothes, over and over. Streamed in real time and in high definition. Not that there ever was a time it was otherwise.
Its just that no one even bothers with the illusion anymore. Why would they? What are you going to do about it… vote republican?
Even those sleeping the “American Dream” feel these slaps to the face.
The revolution will not be hosted on the fediverse.
You seriously think it’s on reddit or Twitter???
Just kidding, join your local protest and mutual aid group! See you on the street!
Nostr obviously
“Not have you, you’re welcome”
Totally legit response in regards to resource exhaustion and climate change, but IMO not regarding the degradation of democracy. In a larger scale this could easily lead to a demographic shift towards regressive political views.
Don’t get me wrong, I’m not gonna put into a kid into this world, especially not for reasons of ideological puppeteering, but to conclude my too serious take on the meme and your comment, I do not quite see how they are related.
Naw, it’s gonna be “What did you do during the genocide in Gaza?”
Hey I was more aware of it than the last three (that I know of) in my lifetime.
Bruh should I travel my gay white ass to Palestine and stand in front of a Merkava tank?
You can
- Join the BDS movement
- Donate to groups like A Jewish Voice for Peace
- Protest in your home country, if your home country is supporting Israel
- Lobby your politicians
when things get much worse for people, they might have no choice but to try something else
We’re friends :’-)