I know I have small hands but c’mon. Flagship phones these days are strait up small tablets, not even what we’d have called on phablets 15 years ago.
I know it’s what people buy, but I’m still sad that if I want a phone that small then I have to deal with camera and display a couple gens old
??? Plenty of people are pointing the same thing out
It’s just you swinging this dude, and I’ve provided proof that you’re wrong, you’ve cherry picked a single definition and I provided multiple separate sources. As well had to explain how the minimalists phone still wouldn’t by definition ever be the “flagship” of its small and has no features.
As you said, just fucking google it. You didn’t just look at one source now did you…? When researching you must look at more than a single source. Thats just being obtuse lmfao. If you “googled” it and did any actual investigating you should have seen that the deification you picked isn’t the standard one.
And again, op has clarified their stance. The minimalist phone isn’t what they want/need so you using it as an example is just asinine and shows you missed the point completely lmfao. Give your head a shake bud.