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Osgood Perkins’ “The Monkey” opens to $14.2 million, second best ever for Neon
Lost interest after Endgame.
I enjoyed some of the shows like Wandavision and Loki but I’ve pretty much fallen off watching any of this stuff entirely now.
Loki was the only one I really liked.
I enjoyed Agatha as well, but didn’t watch it until just recently.
The only thing I’ve been looking forward to recently is the new Daredevil series. Wandavision was decent. Moon Knight was good. She-Hulk had lots of potential but just dropped the ball IMHO. We never finished Loki season 2 (just lost insterest). We ended up canceling Disney+ because the Marvel shows were a dud for the most part.
Loki Season 2 ended really well.
I didn’t care for Loki Season 2. But I have liked most of the shows, and like half the movies since Endgame.
Same. I enjoyed Infinity War a decent amount, but Endgame didn’t quite sit right with me for some reason; maybe because it felt like the pulling of strings to make the narrative fit certain things was more apparent. Lost all steam after that
I wouldn’t say I lost interest, but rather that Endgame was a great ending for the MCU. Why would I want to watch past the end?
Endgame was a clipshow which was a let down for me. That was my step off as well.
I lost interest after the first Iron Man movie.
I still enjoyed the latest Spiderman but the rest seems quite uninspired.
Could it be that after milking that sorry Marvel franchise for all it was worth for years, Disney fails to excite people with their nth ultra-samey, ultra-low-originality rehash?
They’re just not willing to take the risks they were talking when marvel was still going solo before it’s Disney acquisition. Disney isn’t big on risks.
Every time they divert they get major pushback. Two of my favorites, Doctor Strange MoM and She-Hulk, strayed too far and got a lot of negativity for it (personal preference aside, they definitely got flak for being different).
Some of the TV shows have been more creative. The current movies are just rehashes though.
What risks did they use to take? As long as I remember the Marvel movies have been formulaic copies
Giving creative control to specific directors to let their vision shine through the project: Iron Man, Guardians of the Galaxy, Thor Love and Thunder, etc.
Edit meant Thor Ragnarok the Taika Waititi directed movie.
I mean, Iron man was like literally the first movie in the MCU (discounting that Hulk movie), it also literally started the trope of Bad Guy has literally the same skillset/power as the good guy that was replicated a bunch of times.
GotG, and Thor: Ragnarok are the only movies that are unique and carried by their directors.
Love and thunder is a dumpster fire.
I think bad guy having the same skillset is really just a superhero trope.
- Flash vs Zoom
- Green vs Yellow Lantern
- Spidey vs Venom
- Aquaman vs Black Manta
- Wonder woman vs Ares
- Green Arrow vs Dark Archer
I listed DC heroes primarily to show it isn’t just a Marvel thing. But all of these arch enemies are basically evil duplicates of the hero.
I think the trope largely stems from a “How do you defeat someone who is as powerful/strong as you” kinda thing.
But count how many DC films have it vs how many MCU films
Well it’d be the ratio we care about, but let’s see (should only count first movie to simplify) and just saying yes if villian has same powers.
- Ironman - yes
- Cap - yes
- Thor - no
- Hulk (if you count 2008 film) - yes
- Guardians - pass (ensemble so kinda hard to say)
- Antman - yes
- Doctor Strange - yes
- Spiderman - no
- Black Panther - yes
- Cpt Marvel - No/maybe
- Superman - yes (cause this iteration started with Zod, even if lex Luther is real arch enemy)
- Batman - pass (too many reboots and maybe we count anyone cause he has no powers)
- Wonder woman - yes
- Flash - yes
- Aquaman - yes (maybe BlackManta is different enough, but I’m counting it)
- Bluebeetle - yes
- Shazam - no
So 6/10 vs 4/7 or 60% for marvel vs 57% for DC. So surprisingly around the same.
Edited to fix formatting
Ah I think Thor Ragnarok was what I meant, the Taika Waititi directed movie
Both are directed by Watiti. However, he got high on his own supply after Ragnarok, which how he made Love and Thunder.
In my opinion, Ragnarok itself was mid af movie with too many quips. And I absolutely hated Korg which was just a Watiti self-insert.
love and thunder has some incredible deleted scenes though, like thor’s conversation with zeus, and the gorr ripping his tattoos off (not sure if this was released)
I mean making a movie about Iron Man, not the most popular character they had, starring Robert Downey Jr, who was recovering from all sorts of issues.
Disney bought them out after like the third or fourth movie, MCU is pretty much just Disney.
Those films were already scripted, cast, and costed out at acquisition, part of the Russo Roadmap. That all finished with endgame and handed the reins over to the corporate writer-room slop ever since.
Disney bought Marvel before the second MCU film even came out (unless you count the Hulk movie) in 2009. End game wouldnt happen for another 10 years.
Also I think it’s Kevin Feige who’s given the most credit for the planning around the MCU.
Regardless having a general plan for 10 years of movies does not mean you have a finalized script, cast, and directors locked down. I mean even just having Chadwick Boseman pass would have significant impacts.
Fair enough, I take back their lack of involvement. Maybe Feige cared more about getting it right, then hasn’t cared since? We can agree that the initial burst up to Civil War was far different from post-endgame disordered half-baked arcs. What even is the arc now? Celestials into XMen?
Yeah, honestly I think they just wrote themselves into a corner with end game. The five year time jump is sooo messy, not to mention they just didn’t use any of the first three phases to setup the next set of heroes.
I always thought we should’ve finally gotten an older Spiderman as it would have been great to see a Spiderman have to take up the mantle of leadership and take the movies in a slightly different direction than the comics.
I don’t mean to shit on what’s his name that took over the Captain America role, but dude has just no fucking screen presence, charisma what so ever, Joel Kinnaman fucking killed it on altered carbon season 1, then this dude, Mackie?, took over in season 2, and god damn it was a hard watch.
He reminds of that dude that played the Boomerang guy in suicide squad, then he was kyle in Terminator: Genisys, that fucker is the same, 0 screen presence, no charisma.
Altered carbon season 2 also had been cut to the bone budget wise. The entire production paled in comparison to the first season.
100% AC was dead for me as soon as this guy took over. Same with Cap.
Yeah I tried the second season after loving the first. Lasted about 15 min. Nope.
His portrayal of Boomerang and his character in Spartacus were great though. He’s just not built for main lead roles, which I guess applies to Mackie too.
His real name is Clarence
I heard Clarence’s parents have a real good marriage
It wasn’t a bad movie, but it had problems.
The big problem, and this is pretty common with Marvel, was a weak villain. The Leader just wasn’t a big threat. He spent most of his time in the shadows. He got very little screen time. And his motivation was also really weak. He wanted a pardon… But he was also completely capable of starting world war 3, like that doesn’t make sense. Like an iron Man 3, The Mandarin started off the movie as an epic threat… Only to be revealed to be an actor and the actual bad guy was Killian… Who was an awful villain. But you don’t even have to have a villain that’s super strong or even has great motivation as long as they’re well written, like Mysterio. Red Hulk ends up being wasted on this movie, because they had no faith they could write something people would want to see, because post Thanos they’ve kind of been fumbling the ball. But I think they seem to forget is Thanos wasn’t there from the beginning they eventually led into him.
They either needed to really lean into The Leader, or Red Hulk. Not waste both on a 2 decade late Hulk sequel that doesn’t have Bruce or the Hulk.
I stopped watching marvel movies a long time ago. I didn’t even know Cap was a black dude now.
My favorite joke about marvel movies is that when Thanos snapped his fingers, he killed half my enthusiasm for Marvel movies.
Why did nobody try diplomacy to have him just make half the world sterile. Or 90%. Everyone could have been happy. Drove me crazy.
Well, you would’ve needed to watch one of the tv shows for that lol
That’s falcon bruh
Don’t even know who that is lol. I got bored around avengers 2
He was introduced in The Winter Soldier, a few movies before Avengers 2.
Right on. My son is around the age where he should enjoy them, and I figured I’d eventually have to marathon them with him, but so far, he’s not into it. I’m sure eventually I’ll get around to watching them.
You only have to watch up to Endgame. After that they’ve been hard watches.
I hope you at least enjoy watching them together with your son :)
I would consider myself an MCU fan so I stuck around longer than most I think, but Quantumania just bored the hell outta me and I haven’t watched one since.
The marketing for this movie and been atrocious. The Cross advertising spots I’ve seen are terrible cash grabs. Marvel is done.
People are getting tired of spending money on the 50th installment of bangy bang bang computer generated special effects? Did the trailer have enough ominous bass? Was there enough stars and stripes? Did they defend the status quo hard enough?
maybe the trailer needed some Taiko drums?
or an ominously orchestral version of a beloved 1980’s/1990’s pop song?Shit! That’s what they forgot!
These comments are depressing.
Marvel is depressing.
I for one enjoyed the movie a lot. Had fun with it.
Yeah it wasn’t bad, fun little time waster
Should have stop after endgame. But no, gotta keep milking it.
Or at least a pause while they figured out what was next
Y’all still watching this slop?!
I like most of it. So yes.
I mean, I might when it comes to Disney+. Not going out of my way to spend extra money to see it though.
But honestly, most stuff post-Endgame has been pretty boring to me. And I’m not liking my favorite super heroes having to deal with a “post-snap” world. It’s a universe I’m not very fond of.
is 68% a normal dropoff for 2nd week?
Mackie is a really B/C-grade actor. The movie was an absolute forgettable and pointless one. No character growth, no links to other movies, to continuing plot for the MCU.
no links to other movies
Except that giant Celestial in the ocean.
to continuing plot for the MCU.
And whatever that Celestial is made of…
I do hope The Leader & Ross make a return in future films. Sidewinder (Giancarlo) was also wasted, so hopefully he returns.
I wouldn’t call it forgettable, there are some fun action scenes in the film, both at the Celestial and The White House/surrounding area.
However just action with a rushed story does make it a weaker film overall.
I enjoyed the movie. Should’ve had Red Hulk be a surprise, but I still enjoyed & had the neuron activation that was expected.
They launched an Israeli nationalist superhero in this one. Odd timing with the Israeli brand in the abysmal shape its in. Its hard to imagine a worse superhero idea right now.
The Monkey was great. Almost like a big budget re-imagining of one of the old Scary Movie films.