It is a lisp, albeit on purpose … to further confuse things in parts of Spain with different languages the shared words don’t necessarily have that lisp!
It is a lisp, albeit on purpose … to further confuse things in parts of Spain with different languages the shared words don’t necessarily have that lisp!
Best thing would be to go to a Spanish speaking country for a holiday, once you’ve been forced to use it on strangers you’ll loose your language anxiety and it gets much easier (I live in Spain and work in Spanish, I’m not very good, but also no longer worried about muddling through).
When was that? Last time I tried it was a couple of years ago.
As for the difference, outside of Spain the conjugation of Vosotros (you, plural) isn’t used, but speaking to strangers is much more formal. Also, there’s a lot of vocabulary differences which can be confusing for non-native speakers.
Good luck with your learning, it’s a great language :-)
Last time I looked it still did a weird mix of American and European Spanish, too
OK, I’ll go all-in on this:
2000 AD Comics’ Nexus, The computer game.
Made for the Commodore C128 computer (which oddly ran Microsoft Basic), it was a simple single-screen platform shooter with the twist that you could pile up the bodies of your enemies and use them as platforms.
What is this a computer for ants? It should be at least … four times bigger.
That’s what we call an attention getter!
Thanks, I’ll give this one the chop!
Yep, I remember in one job I was at for 8 years a manager 2 levels up complemented me for sorting out the networking for a re-arrange of our own office … I was gobsmacked because I’d been managing a whole network and server upgrade for a client that involved well over 1000 users at the time yet an hour of fiddling with wires under desks was the only thing that got his attention.
I didn’t have them over a barrel, they were just being lazy and trying to exploit me further for free.
Fair enough, it just outdoes any dissonance between T1 and T2 by a factor of 10, hence being curious about your thoughts ;-)
Yeah, I got laid off twice more before switching careers. Both times they wanted me to come back and fix stuff after letting me go.
It goes hand in hand with the “if someone works hard, they should be given more work as a reward” line of thinking.
My first salaried job was also my first proper IT job and I was a “junior technician” … the only other member of IT staff was my supervisor who had been a secretary that got a 1 week sysadmin course and knew very little.
The server room was a complete rat’s nest and I resolved to sort it out. It was all going very well until I tripped over the loose SCSI 3 cable between the AIX server and it’s raid array. While it was in use.
It took me 2 days to restore everything from tape. My supervisor was completely useless.
A few months later I was “made redundant”, leaving behind me everything working perfectly and a super tidy server room. I got calls from the company asking for help for the following 6 months, which I politely declined.
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I loved the original, when I had only seen the TV cut which doesn’t include the protagonist committing rape. I’ve seen the full version all of once and that just broke it for me.
I have the sequel on my to-watch list, but will be starting it off in a guarded manner.
How do you feel about Tenet?
Yeah, my local Caprabo (a modestly priced supermarket) used to have a whole aisle dedicated to olives and olive related stuff … now the locals are getting priced out of it and the aisle is just a little section
AER: Memories of old
It’s fun, you play as a woman who can turn into a bird and have to explore, solve basic puzzles, and there’s a good story. It’s just short and simple.
I’d like to try it, but I don’t have a supported device yet … I’ve played at least one indie game with a similar feel and really enjoyed it, but it was short and simple so I didn’t get lost in the world
Would you like 1 maglev train for 10km, or 10 extra trains to make better use of existing infrastructure?