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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: July 29th, 2023


  • Bytemeister@lemmy.worldtoPolitical Memes@lemmy.worldIt's exhausting...
    10 hours ago

    Not just voter abstention, but ineffective voting too. Voting 3rd in this election is a surefire way to get trump back in office. If you wanted to stick it to Biden and get someone else, your chance was 4 years ago during the primary.

    You’re not voting Biden because you like him, you’re voting Biden because you want to be able to vote for someone else in 2028. That is literally what is at stake here, and it can’t be said loud enough or often enough.

    Before the “real left” quisling trolls respond, please tell us two things… Who is the 3rd party candidate you are supporting instead? What are their chances of winning this election?

  • Had to do this for my dryer. Was broken for 3 months. I let the rental office know every few days that it wasn’t working. Eventually ran a clothesline on my porch and literally aired my “dirty” laundry in public. Got a warning about being in breach of the lease terms, went back to the office the same hour with the escrow paperwork and a copy of the lease terms that they were in breach of (maintaining appliances, responding in a timely fashion) and brought excerpts from my states rental laws showing them that I was in the right to put the account in escrow, and that I could bill them for the escrow fees and my time.

    Dryer was fixed the next day.

  • Bytemeister@lemmy.worldtoPolitical Memes@lemmy.worldPlease vote
    3 days ago

    …how well he did quickly processing and responding to trump’s gish gallop and unchecked stream of consciousness mistruth firehose with little help from the impotent moderators

    This ain’t you fam? Maybe read what you wrote before you accuse someone else of building a strawman.

    Now take your shitty ad-hominems and fuck off.

  • Bytemeister@lemmy.worldtoPolitical Memes@lemmy.worldPlease vote
    11 hours ago

    This. Debates mattered 20+ years ago, when Candidates had just a few opportunities to talk about who they are, what they’ve done, what they want to do, and why those qualities make them the best choice for President.

    Now, we have a near inescapable connection to politics. The content of the message is known, and the only reason for debate is confrontation, and delivery is all that matters.

  • It’s probably a bit of both here. We didn’t have the “disposable” lifestyle 50 years ago that we have now, and a stronger push for efficiency and features has had trade-offs in complexity and reliability.

    Example: My current dryer (and my dad’s new dryer) both have a lot more plastic in them. The motors are smaller, and quieter, while making the same power (or more). They are loaded with temp, humidity, weight and wobble sensors, and my dryer has 4 dials, 5 different temperatures, and 2 different modes. The old one, had a dial to control the heat, and a timer.

    As for disposable, I think older generations had an expectancy that you would buy an appliance once or twice in your life. I’ve got a 1000 dollar poket shit-posting device that I’m going to get rid of because it is pushing 4 years old. We just accept that these devices are uneconomical to repair, and we toss them out. I think the only things American’s bother to fix anymore are cars, and that’s going away because every year, they get harder and more expensive to repair.