Wheres your protests? You haven’t even tried to see if it gets put down.
Wheres your protests? You haven’t even tried to see if it gets put down.
How are you any different from an extremist right winger at that point? You want violence rather than solutions.
I have my index working on fedora with minimal issues but vrwebhelper causes massive lag, crashes and once turned off I have jitter every time I turn my head. It is close but no cookie.
I got banned for replacing radical lefts unhinged mass murdering posts key targets with those of radical light to drive home a point that they’re unhinged. Don’t get why reddit protects hate speech and calls for mass murders that have consistently led to the largest genocides in the world.
Once you look at russias nuclear incident history and realize how poorly maintained they have been for decades thanks to remote location and poor red army military culture, you kind of stop worrying about these sort of things.
If your group can’t take a joke, your group is a joke. Especially if it is abusive imaginary parent who according to you does everything that is wrong with the world in order to “build character” and overall rules through fear only.