I always dream about looking for the toilet but never finding one.
I do that and eventually wake up and go the toilet and spend 2 minutes afraid to go in case I’m still dreaming and about to piss the bed.
Oh it’s fine I spend 5 minutes trying to find which exact muscle I need to relax to finally pee since I changed meds. you don’t realized how annoying it is to struggle to pee until it happens to you
The scariest dreams the ones that you find the toilet in, then wake up in a panic that you posed the bed.
I never used to think people could wake up in their dreams until I had a false awakening while meditating when it felt like i had woken from a dream and was in my room until I actually opened my eyes and my actual eyesight blended with the false awakening dream for a second
I dream about peeing. I pee and I pee but it just won’t stop.
You should be happy you never do. Let’s not find out.
I can remember two pee dreams … In one, I was in a submarine slowly flooding with water; in the other, I was in a futuristic city and could see the toilet but there was a forcefield between it and me. I could pass through the forcefield with the right timing, but never achieved the timing before I woke up.
I think I remember another one about finding a series of toilets that didn’t work, but I might be making that up.
I bet you mean the urethral sphincters. Hope I didn’t poop the party, good meme!
I had two beers and was dreaming of pissing all over the front yard. Bladder couldn’t take it, luckily I got the point and woke up just in time. Just slightly damp undies. But fuck I hate getting old.
Allow me to introduce all y’all motherfuckers to the joys of condom catheters. Piss the bed in your sleep, no mess, no docking fees. Uh, gotta have an external pisser to get 'em to work.
Then start dreaming about peeing and pee irl
In this horrible summer heat, there are few feelings more satisfying than a fridge-cold beer after a long day of work. But it’s hard to stop after the first.