Pay an extra 3 bucks a month to avoid ads, what BS.
No fees on the high seas!
I need that on a sticker.
Almost perfectly coincides with the day I won’t be renewing my Prime membership this year
I cancelled right now and got a partial refund!
Enshittification intensifies.
Because their current huge profits aren’t enough? Someone needs a new yacht?
I cancelled my Amazon prime membership. It’s only been two months without prime but it’s fine. Their streaming service was the one I used the least, and I have placed one order on Amazon for over $35 so I still got the free shipping. I bought myself a Costco membership and have decided to rely on it instead of Amazon. I don’t think Costco is as great a place to work as some people claim, but it’s a shit ton better than working for Amazon.
You mean in addition to the ads they shove in front of their shows now? Will the added fee mean they remove those as well?
If you pay for IMDb Pro ($20/mo last I checked) they STILL show you ads. Bastards are greedy af.
Honestly, I’m surprised they didn’t just make Prime more expensive for everyone while citing “added value” like they normally do.
Don’t worry, they’ll keep doing that too.
Adding ads is probably so ridiculously profitable that they know a lot more people would leave.
Most people who pay for prime, do so for the reduced shipping costs Prime video is just an add-on.
Putting ads on the video generates extra income without necessarily losing subscribers. So putting ads in the videos creates a new revenue stream with close to zero downside for them. It’s an MBA’s wetdream.
Somebody crunched some numbers and decided that they’d keep more customers by making an optional fee instead of raising the price for everyone
Like others on here, I did not renew my subscription for Prime. You could see where they were heading and the cost/benefit ratio is not there.
My wife shops on Amazon way more than me and she has never had Prime. Not having 2 day shipping never (ad in 5, 4, 3, 2, 1; Here at Target we >>Skip) bothered her and she never watched shows on there other than what you already have to rent to watch even with Prime.
I encourage others to drop it, give it a spin, see how you (ad in 5, 4, 3, 2, 1; Don’t let psoriasis get >>Skip) enjoy a little extra jingle in your pockets.
I have prime membership for the 5% off prime card. It pays for membership easily as I shop there a lot. Also, they typically do a 6% discount if I select the slower shipping. Idk.
If it’s the prime credit card, you get the 5% back regardless of your prime status. Also, shipping is free for non-prime Members, it’s just 4-5 days instead of 0-2
It’s not the credit card, it’s the less useful prime card that I believe needs prime membership
You don’t have to pay for shipping on Amazon without prime?
Here it’s 2,9 USD for shipping unless you spend more than 22,90 USD That price is for shipping to a pickup location that’s. Shipping time is 3-5 business days.
Priority shipping to a pickup location is 4,9 USD. Shipping time is 1-2 business days.
Home delivery is 4,9 USD. Shipping time is 3-5 business days.
These shipping prices are similar to of other stores in my country. Although some stores offer always free home delivery nowadays.
Prime costs 5,9 USD/month (4,575 USD/month for annual plan). So it seems that prime has a better value in my country.
(All prices include VAT)
At this rate I think I’m going to be taking to the high seas again. Adverts are a complete red line for me.
I get Apple TV+ because of my iCloud+ Family Premiere plan anyway, and I enjoy most of the content on that. Might have to figure out how to get a Plex thing setup and working for my Apple TV 4K at this point though.
Does anyone know any good guides to getting a Plex thing up and running? I have a gaming PC, a macbook, consoles, and an Apple TV 4K for media streaming stuff, if that helps.
In terms of PLEX, you just need to download the app on your AppleTV, and on whatever computer will be storing your content library. That’s generally all there is to it. Join us at [email protected]
I use jellyfin.
Canceling on Jan 28th. They’ve been doing well without the extra money. Fuck them. I still got other ways of watching movies and TV.
So I have to pay extra to watch them butcher Wheel of Time now?
Ugh, I was so excited for the adaptation, since TWOT is one of my favorite fantasy series. I made it 17 minutes into the show before I turned it off on disgust. Poor casting, poor acting, and they couldn’t even get the damn premise right!?
Season two is legitimately decent, but yeah they totally fucked it around season one. It’s like parallel universe wheel of time.
You should watch the season 2 finale just for shock and laugh value of you don’t plan to continue.
Amazon is the last streaming service I’m subscribed to, mostly due to increasing costs and implementation of more ads with the others. I’ve replaced Netflix, HBO, Disney, and I guess Amazon is next, with Real Debrid and Stremio.
Advertising is such a cancer, it’s spreading to all aspects of our lives. I hate it.
There’s a show I wanted to watch (Bosch Legacy) and Amazon only offers it through Freevee with multiple unskippable 60-second ads. No way to pay for ad-free. Toxic. I will be cancelling my Prime subscription.
I’ve never sailed the high seas before. Is content like this available?
Absolutely, matey! Welcome aboard! Get yerself a saber and a VPN!
I stopped paying for prime earlier this year when 2 day shipping wasn’t always 2 day shipping anymore. I always viewed the prime video as a crappier Netflix or Hulu add on that I wouldn’t have paid for anyway. I still have the app on my androidtv box and actually watched something the other day, “with ads”, without having a prime account.
I guess I don’t have much of a point other than if they’re going to do this for prime subscribers too, if anyone is paying for prime primarily for the video service, they may as well stop and watch with ads anyway.