There are different kinds of proteins build from different amino acids, 9 of 20 amino acids are essential, meaning our bodies can not produce them, so we need to eat them.
Meat contains all the amino acids we need in our bodies in the amount we need in our bodies. For vegetables that’s not necessarily the case.
Because of that vegetable protein needs to be very varied and balanced to be a complete diet, and just lettuce and apples is not enough.
In a first world country we can get these vegetable proteins varied and year round with little to no problem, which makes vegan diet a sustainable and morally superior diet.
In the developing world people are generally happy about being able to have a complete diet, moral questions take a backseat to survival and health, so carnivorous or piscivorous diets are far more common.
Meat contains all the amino acids we need in our bodies in the amount we need in our bodies.
If i remember right, the numbers were aroind 90% for eggs, 40% for steak and 12% for grain. As much can be used directly, the rest needs to be disassembled into amino acids and rebuilt.
edit: my bad, mine is about similiarity of proteins, yours about the components.
Pretty sure everyone else understood the meaning behind the sentence ‘you can get protein from lettuce and apples’. You need a certain amount of daily protein intake for a healthy diet and the comment implied you can get those from lettuce and apples. It is technically kinda true if you take it literally, but eating 5kg of lettuce is not practical.
That was not the point and you know it. And of course you would have to add more vegetables to get a full set of all essential amino acids. But the statement “you can’t get proteins from lettuce” remains wrong. You absolutely can.
Bruh I lick buttholes all the time and I don’t like the taste of fish. If her butthole is at all reminiscent of fish it’s probably errant B.V, and don’t get me wrong I’ve been in the trenches before but it’s not supposed to smell like that.
The one that I tasted was the red piranha, the same as in the video. The taste is… okay, not delectable but not awful; it’s simply a bit too strong. It goes great on soups/stews though.
Ok, so why would anyone want to catch a piranha? Are they tasty or something?
Fish are food, not friends
No Bruce, for the last time

They look like they are 90% gristle and hatred.
The Ann Coulter of fishes.
Wikipedia claims they’re quite popular.
Reading more, everything I see describes them as bony, salty and very fishy tasting, best served smoked or grilled to mask the flavor.
Sounds like we’re not missing much.
Protein is protein and if this is where someone needs to get it, then this is what it will be
Except they’re using protein to catch the protein.
Think I would rather eat 20lbs of piranhas than 5lbs of rotting leg bone
You can get protein from lettuce and apples lol
No you can’t lol
Yes, you can. Lettuce has around 2 gramm per 100. Apples 0.3
As comparison beef has 26.
So while lettuce has much less, saying you can’t get proteins from it is just plain wrong.
There are different kinds of proteins build from different amino acids, 9 of 20 amino acids are essential, meaning our bodies can not produce them, so we need to eat them. Meat contains all the amino acids we need in our bodies in the amount we need in our bodies. For vegetables that’s not necessarily the case.
Because of that vegetable protein needs to be very varied and balanced to be a complete diet, and just lettuce and apples is not enough.
In a first world country we can get these vegetable proteins varied and year round with little to no problem, which makes vegan diet a sustainable and morally superior diet.
In the developing world people are generally happy about being able to have a complete diet, moral questions take a backseat to survival and health, so carnivorous or piscivorous diets are far more common.
If i remember right, the numbers were aroind 90% for eggs, 40% for steak and 12% for grain. As much can be used directly, the rest needs to be disassembled into amino acids and rebuilt.
edit: my bad, mine is about similiarity of proteins, yours about the components.
Pretty sure everyone else understood the meaning behind the sentence ‘you can get protein from lettuce and apples’. You need a certain amount of daily protein intake for a healthy diet and the comment implied you can get those from lettuce and apples. It is technically kinda true if you take it literally, but eating 5kg of lettuce is not practical.
Both lettuce and apples are incomplete sources of protein and could not sustain a healthy diet.
Fish is a complete source of protein.
That was not the point and you know it. And of course you would have to add more vegetables to get a full set of all essential amino acids. But the statement “you can’t get proteins from lettuce” remains wrong. You absolutely can.
deleted by creator
That’s a novel way to spell lentils
Sounds like why I dislike most fish to begin with.
It’s that fishy taste that does it to me
Just cant pretend to like it at all
That’s interesting, I really like the fishy taste. If it’s overpowering it can be unpleasant, but in reasonably amounts it’s tasty.
Do you also lick buttholes?
In reasonable amounts, yes
How much is a reasonable amount? I’m concerned I may be over my recommended daily intake.
Bruh I lick buttholes all the time and I don’t like the taste of fish. If her butthole is at all reminiscent of fish it’s probably errant B.V, and don’t get me wrong I’ve been in the trenches before but it’s not supposed to smell like that.
Valid. Shit and fish taste different. Both terrible, but they have a distinct disgust.
Whitefish (why do you call Felchen like that?!) or Salmon fishy?
Because felching is something…else… over here.
Sounds right up my alley I love fishy tasting fish. Every time I go to sushi I always get the mackerel
They taste like fish. I’m not joking.
You must be joking.
At least one source who couldn’t comment publicly stated they weren’t joking
Surely you’re not serious
So much so that they’re illegal to fish in parts of the Amazon because they’ve been nearly fished out of existence
The one that I tasted was the red piranha, the same as in the video. The taste is… okay, not delectable but not awful; it’s simply a bit too strong. It goes great on soups/stews though.