Seriously, the amount of times this happened to me is astounding.
Pull up a YouTube video. Adjust the volume at the start. After playing for a while, I want to skip forward 5 seconds, so I press the right arrow. The video does not skip forward, so I press it again. I press it again, and in 4 seconds, I reach maxiumum volume.
Only at this point do I realize that, ah, this is part where YouTube interprets my right arrow as volume adjustment again, and I have to click on the play button or on the video itself to pause and play again, and only then will the right (and left) arrows mean what I think they mean.
I have never, ever - EVER wanted to use right arrow as volume up and left arrow as volume down for a YouTube video. not a single time in (almost) 20 years! And it does not even make sense from a usability standpoint, since the up and down arrows are already adjusting the volume up and down at all times, regardless of which part of the player is “active” (it should always be the play button. Fucking always).
The solution would be so simple, it hurts. Have the left and right arrows always mean 5 seconds backwards and forwards, as the up and down arrows already mean volume up and down. There is absolutely no need to switch the action of the left and right arrow, depending on if you clicked on the volume adjustment first. Oh well, chalk it up to “things I will never understand”.
This is an accessibility function and happens because the volume slider has focus. If they made it so that left and right arrow keys always moved the video forward/backward it would break that accessibility and shut some users off from being able to use the website.
As annoying as it might be to someone who has full use of their mouse and keyboard it is imperative that websites can have all of their functionality accessed through something as simple as tab and arrow keys because that’s all that some people are able to use.
Note that I’m in your boat and find it to be annoying and just something to remember to unfocus after changing my volume, but having just recently been going through some accessibility training I can understand why this happens.
There should be an accessibility option then. It shouldn’t be such a huge pain for everyone just so accessibility becomes the issue. Although up and down always working kinda destroys your whole point anyway.
Name me one situation where they need to use left and right instead of up/down.
This situation clearly doesn’t exist. OP is correct.
I don’t think I said that OP was wrong (in fact I’m pretty sure I agreed with OP that it was annoying as a fully abled user until I figured out what was going on), but to elaborate on my earlier point just slightly - once a horizontal slider element is in focus it will always use left and right arrow keys to move if they’re pressed. Up and down always works to change the volume because there are no other elements when the video player is selected that are waiting for an input.
If they made the volume slider vertical instead of horizontal it would end up working actually better in this case (because the vertical slider would instead wait for up and down arrows), although that probably wouldn’t look as “nice”, but I’m not a UX dev so it could probably be jazzed up to look nice.
I wasn’t disagreeing with either of you, just adding to the sentiment by suggesting another way to achieve it.
As a long time enjoyer of right arrow use I have never had this happen to me, not even once.
Space bar not pausing / unpausing a video and skipping half way down the comments however!
Space bar not pausing / unpausing a video and skipping half way down the comments
Yes! That’s the other one I forgot to mention! 😆
You seem to be under the impression that interface controls of any sort are there to maximise your ease of use. This is very much not the case, the controls are designed by someone that has never used the interface before, never will use it and has no experience in using any interface even vaguely like it. Your role in the endeavour is to try to memorise the arse backwards design and get by as best you can.
It was designed to follow accessibility rules and not “ease of use”.
Hopefully you will never need such features because once you do, you realize most websites are designed without taking into account any accessibility and you are fighting it to do anything.Some things may become annoying for the average user but they are a god send for people that need it.
And it maximizes engagement measures…
Good points… But it’s even more bizarre, if you think about it: apparently the only person to never have used the YouTube player, is… the guy who designed it? What the…? 🫤
Welcome to the world. I hope you enjoy your stay, but I doubt it.
Doing your part to pointlessly spread gloom I see
what annoys me is k for pause/play. apple got it right on what keyes to use for what. space bar is the obvious canidate for something that will be used so often.
I use J for skip back, k for pause, and L for skip ahead.
It’s probably because the volume range slider had focus and the default browser functionality adjusts range sliders with arrow keys. I will say that I have never had this happen and I have a media remote with its seek buttons bound to left and right arrows. But also I try to avoid using player volume controls because I don’t like having so many volume sliders in various positions
Use J and L for bigger steps and no annoying volume adjustment
And K for play/pause
Never have had that problem with newpipe. Maybe it is hard to track your other sensor data all at the same time and do that menial functioning stuff
I assume they’re talking about desktop since keyboard– is newpipe available for desktop?
Freetube and others but I don’t think newpipe is unless doing android emulation - which is apparently a thing I’ve seen people talking about but haven’t tried. I never use YT from a comp, so bad 1 am assumptions
Indeed, this is on desktop. Curiously, on mobile, I don’t really have a problem with YouTube, apart from the infuriating length and abundance of ads.
ReVanced has been pretty good in my experience, should that help :)
This is happening to me constantly as well. I have no idea how someone thought that was a good idea.
You can double tap the F key to toggle full screen on/off and the arrow behavior will revert to normal
Skill issue.
But seriously, this only happens when the volume slider is focused, i.e. when you clicked on it beforehand.
Hmm, I always adjust volume with the keyboard, so have never run into this.