“Trump won’t even be that bad, you LIBERALS are just fearmongering!”
God. It’s going to be a long [insert period of time here]
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bUt ThE DeMoCraTz DidN’t dO EnOugH fOr tHe WOrKinG cLaSs!!
I mean… they didn’t though. That’s why they struggle to win in the general even though their platform as stated is good for the populace. When they don’t actually follow through on that, people have a hard time believing them even though they’re clearly the lesser of two evils.
The Democrats foster their own worst enemy: voter apathy. And it doesn’t help that they also foster extremism in the opposition party and then turn around and try to extort the American public with it.
You see the guy throwing the nazi salute up there? Ok? That’s what you get. For openers.
The insanity will mount quickly. If you believe it’s worth it to “send a message to Democrats” I dunno what to say.
Excuse me? I’ve voted for 3 people in a row that I didn’t believe deserved to be the nominee, let alone president. Every time I voted against them in the primaries because I didn’t believe they stood a good chance in the general, nor would they be good for the country while in office. For Kamala, I didn’t even get the opportunity to vote against her in the primary but I did vote for uncommitted delegates over Joe Biden. Every time, I voted for them in the general even though that vote was coerced through a corrupt system that refuses to let me vote for someone who actually represents me.
8 goddamn years of listening to high and mighty people like you telling me how everything that’s happening is my fault even though I voted against what was happening at every turn. Fuck off.
Well if you voted, that’s all anyone can ask for.
Every time, I voted for them in the general even though that vote was coerced through a corrupt system that refuses to let me vote for someone who actually represents me.
What meetings did you go to? Any? None. You went to none, right? Did you help someone campaign? No? Well that’s not a corrupt system that’s a system you have no part in not picking who you want. You can see how that might happen, right.
8 goddamn years of listening to high and mighty people like you telling me how everything that’s happening is my fault even though I voted against what was happening at every turn. Fuck off.
Eight whole years? Damn, that’s amazing. But those are rookie numbers. You gotta pump up those numbers to get into the high and mighty club. Try 16 years, 20 years, 30 years. More. Democrats refusing to understand how communication works and republiQans descending into open nazism the whole time. Third parties somehow, astoundingly, being even worse. Then watch a bunch of idiots decide to not vote because “the system is corrupt” and allow a demented incompetent nazi rapist into office. And how did you think it was your
fuckingfault againyou fuck? Because if you voted, that’s the very best thing you can do. If you voted and want to say the Democrats need to do more for the working class, please do. I’ll join you. Again.Lol, you wanna square this “oh I’m on the same side as you” with your immediate attack on me based on nothing but your assumption? Because I can’t figure out what in my original response you disagree with if what you say here is true. You just immediately went full neoliberal attack on any criticism of the Democrats, so frankly I don’t buy your bullshit here.
8 years is how long the Democrats have been openly and unashamedly thumbing the scale in their primaries (starting in 2016) and the start of the progressive movement, it’s not a competition.
They didn’t. That’s why they lost the election lol
I thought it was the genocide. I’m getting whiplash.
Its both really
Pretty much sums up a conversation with my brother yesterday.
My mom said he was waving to the crowd. Absolutely disgusting.
“Elon is a friend of the Jews. He can’t be a Nazi” -my brother
Does he know how the Jews followed them at first?
Just in case anyone wasn’t clear enough on whether that was a nazi salute…
I’m calling it now. The MAGAs are all anxiously looking at each other, waiting to see what the blowback will be. When there inevitably is no real consequence or denouncement for elmo, the nazi salute will start to creep into the mainstream for them. About 85% will claim it’s just a gag to trigger the libs, but about 15% will be dead fuckin serious.
At this point it doesn’t even matter whether he actually meant to do it, or if it was some stupendously awkward accident–the intent is pretty much irrelevant, all that matters is that the chuds know you have permission from the GOP to walk onto the stage in front of the world, give a full mask-off double Hitler, and you’ll be fine.
The 85/15 ratio will slowly shift too.
My brother told me “Not to believe everything I’m told on TV”
These people are mentally ill
Who knew that narcissists, nazis, and cops had so much in common?
:looks around at the other anarchists in the room:
Maybe it’s time for some consequences
Blue shelling is always an option
There are four lights.
The Gul Madreds are out in force on this topic, stop painting it as anything less. I guess it’s good because it tells us exactly how it’s going to work the next 4.
For starters, we have Guls now.
We definitely deserve it.
calm down people, he is just imitating the flight of a one armed superman
This says it pretty much perfectly.