I know I have small hands but c’mon. Flagship phones these days are strait up small tablets, not even what we’d have called on phablets 15 years ago.
I know it’s what people buy, but I’m still sad that if I want a phone that small then I have to deal with camera and display a couple gens old
He is wrong.
I’m asking for small flagships.
They used to make small flagships.
Flagship doesn’t mean biggest, it means best.
If settle for a small non-flagship phone with a flagship camera pod and display tech. But they don’t make those either.
When??? You keep saying that, but flagships have always been large and fancy and never small and fancy. Can you provide an example? Because what it seems from every explanation you’ve made in this thread, you just don’t know what the term flagship means…
Sounds like you just need to learn words properly, the only one wrong here is you using an established term incorrectly and are conflating a small phone as a “flagship” which has NEVER been the case. Please provide an example of a flagship being small and compact, I would love to see how you came to fuck this well established term up so horrendously.
dude just Google “flagship meaning”
Theres a company called The minimal company, their best and most important product is a small “minimal phone”. That’s their flagship phone. It’s not hard to understand
As I explained previously, you’re cherry picking definitions to support your point.
Multiple other definitions that I provided you contradict that, and just repeating and saying the same thing doesn’t suddenly make it true. Even with minimalist phone, it doesn’t have all the bells and whistles, which is another important criteria and you’re choosing to ignore to make your asinine point.
A flagship has never been a cigar boat and that’s exactly what OP has clarified they wanted. So I was correct all along.
Everyone agrees youre just making stuff up at this point.
??? Plenty of people are pointing the same thing out
It’s just you swinging this dude, and I’ve provided proof that you’re wrong, you’ve cherry picked a single definition and I provided multiple separate sources. As well had to explain how the minimalists phone still wouldn’t by definition ever be the “flagship” of its small and has no features.
As you said, just fucking google it. You didn’t just look at one source now did you…? When researching you must look at more than a single source. Thats just being obtuse lmfao. If you “googled” it and did any actual investigating you should have seen that the deification you picked isn’t the standard one.
And again, op has clarified their stance. The minimalist phone isn’t what they want/need so you using it as an example is just asinine and shows you missed the point completely lmfao. Give your head a shake bud.
Let’s compare the current day top dog, Galaxy S 25 ultra, against 5 flagships from different brands in 2012, including Samsung’s own:
Some of these had bigger phones like the Galaxy note, but these were flagships for their brands. These were the poster boy devices each brand trotted out to show off their capabilities. These were flagships.
And this is just Android phones, I’m not even considering iPhone or windows phones.
So get fucking wrecked. When they made phones as big as modern day flagships 15 years ago, they didn’t call them phones, they called them “notes” and “tabs”
Phones in general are bigger, in each of those examples, smaller models also exist. The flagship isn’t the SMALLEST model, which is what you’re wanting since they are just bigger.
So how does that support your point? Lmfao.
You just don’t know what the term flagship is supposed to mean and are conflating it with other stuff.
Thanks for pointing that out so well!
I didn’t say the flagship should be or was the smallest phone, nor did I say I wanted the smallest phone. that’s something you imagined entirely on your own lol
It’s almost like I’m sad that phone sizes got larger because now OEMs make their flagships uncomfortably large. Hey, someone should make a post complaining about that! 😑
What I’m learning here is that you had an argument with yourself, and lost