Religion or LGBT is a false dichotomy and shit like this just fuels division.
Fuck you Disney
Really hope Jesus makes his comeback via an appearance on RuPaul. The bible does say it will be unexpected.
The stories in the bible happened long ago. There arent any prophecies reaching into our age.
(Actual inquiry, I don’t know): Really? There is no rupture or some sort of apocalyse in the new testament?
Nah, the thing that Christians claim is the antichrist was the description of Nero.
As someone that doesn’t belive in the bible, the whole antichrist being nero thing doesn’t add up. Nero reigned from 54 AD to 68 AD while the book of revelation, the one with the antichrist prophecies and that was published in 95 AD. I’ve heard the explanation that it was code, but why would they have to have code for someone that died 27 years before they wrote the code?
68 AD to 95ad is 27 years why would you count from the start.
Because math is hard. Fixed it though and point still stands.
The word antichrist isnt meantioned in the bible, only John does mention it.
The gnostic nag hamadi also mentions the antichrist and that was written at least the 2nd century. Interestingly they say the antichrist will have a female likeness which makes sense if you entertain it because if the antichrist is meant to be the complete opposite of christ, why wouldn’t they identify as female?
I feel that Mango Mussolini is very Nero-like… so does that count for anything?
That’s what the heritage Foundation is trying to achieve, yes. Trump is playing the part of the antichrist, musk is the beast. I’m mostly concerned about how they interpret “lake of fire”.
Yup. Disney doesn’t stand for anything. They just pander to wherever they think the money is.
Priesthood was a religious answer for gay men historically, before more modern sects that are openly accepting. The modern non-denominational Christian churches are just cancer.
Rainbow capitalism, I’ve looked into LGBTq+ forums, subs it hurts the community and movements more than it helps them
This one’s my favorite
Well, now they’re openly hostile instead.
See, I actually agree with a lot of people who say they hate “Woke Things”
Because 7 out of 10 times, they’re just mad at Rainbow Capitalism trying and failing to pander to “t3h gays”, but for some reason believe that “t3h gays” asked for it, when in reality we did not… the other 3 times nothing’s wrong and “Woke” is just code for “There was a black guy who did something outside of be comic relief, but if I said that aloud people would call me racist… Which I am”
its the studio execs pushing the inclusiveness, even the lgbq+ dont want it, but the cons that never watches these have been calling it woke. a great example is STD discovery, such a bad show, but everyone has been pointing how the female leads are boring asfm Kurtzman having an obssesion with pushing it for some reason.
its the studio execs pushing the inclusiveness, even the lgbq+ dont want it,
I still cringe remembering the trailer for Q-Force…
“You can’t pander to the gays, they can smell it, you’re like citibank at Pride”
Was an actual line in the trailer.
I always thought it was bold of them to include the reaction of the janitor who was taking out the trash whilst overhearing the pitch…
I have friends from all over the political spectrum, I’ve made a pyrrhic victory, a few of the right-leaning ones actually suddenly support trans rights now that the Republicans are basically treating us like Jews in Germany… the Pyrrhic part was it taking Iowa removing all civil rights from transpeople before they believed me that transpeople were the victims, not the perpatrators.
One of them ranted and raved to me about how “LGBT People wouldn’t be in this mess if they hadn’t demanded Hollywood force in all these terrible woke characters into everything!”
I had to explain to him the concept of Rainbow Capitalism and that we hated it to… He didn’t believe me until I gave him a link of Brendan Rogers mocking the shit out of it as his Bryce Tankthrust character… which I only recently learned was named Bryce Tankthrust, really thought it was Bryce Taintthrust this whole time.
What if I am offended by Christian characters, something wildly inappropriate for young impressionable minds?
Don’t watch it! We should always vote what we like with our wallets. If we all do, it will all figure itself out.
Honestly it is two faces of the same coin
Yeah I’m being facetious and flipping that coin over 🙂
Disney be like: “Friendship ended with rainbow capitalism, now christian capitalism is my best friend.”
Any way the wind blows…
Doesn’t really matters to me…
The State Religion, I guess.
boo Disney. Spineless.
Spineless? They’re rainbow capitalists through and through. Fuck them.
No, they aren’t. They’re just capitalists and will say and do whatever makes them the most money. Previously, that was slapping rainbows on shit, but now it’s not.
But yes, absofuckinglutly fuck them.
Disney has a history of gay censorship, and seem to have Christian movies every year à la Christmas
True. I had forgotten their shift from “pretty damn wonderful” to holy roller bullshit. Good call!
it was only a matter of time. Ms Marvel had openly Muslim characters and Turning Red had Buddhists.
The Hunchback of Notre Dame
The Chronicles of Narnia
Crazy how they just gave up on the Narnia series. You’d think the original YA novel series would have been easy to punch up and deliver as AAA Cinema slop. Instead the whole thing fell apart inside three films (the first two of which were fairly well received, and riding tight on the LotR blockbuster adaptation, to boot).
I guess it was just too many characters, too much technical expertise, and too much hard work. Far easier to release a bunch of Sound of Freedom tier psycho-sexual thrillers. Something you can film with a handy cam, a fist full of confused child actors, and a dime bag of columbian white to get Jim Caviezel zooted out of his gord.
Man that third one was such a mess too. I don’t understand how they fucked up so bad.
Wouldn’t be surprised if the Trump administration threatened Disney into ditching it.
Let’s be real no threat is needed. If this made them win craploads of money they would be plastering Disney world with transexual parades every second of the day
The fact that they are not doing it says a lot
This is the first openly Christian character to feature in a Disney film since 2007’s Bridge to Terabithia.
So it’s not really the first then, is it?
An exclusive poll for Newsweek conducted by Redfield and Wilton Strategies in July found that 34 percent of viewers disapproved of Disney’s attempt to add more LGBTQ+ topics to its content.
This I never understand. If Disney is a for profit company, why would they not listen to their majority? Aren’t they leaving money on the table like this? “Well, because of Trump.” Yeah but how does that matter, specifically? (The article does not go in to detail about that) Is Trump going to compensate them for it??
This article isn’t very well written. Many such cases, sadly.
Isn’t Captain America Christian too? Like, he openly says there’s only one God, he goes to church etc.
It could be seen as a product of his time (the 1940s).
Agent Coulson says something like that too, I believe
Marvel doesn’t count
- Disney, probably
Note your comment states 34 percent disagree, but didn’t state how many didn’t care one way or the other, or rate the relative likelihood of spending money or refusing to based on the stance.
The snowflake conservatives may be more likely to get offended and boycott. It may be that 50 percent didn’t care either way, so the trade off becomes 34 versus 16 percent. I suppose from another comment it seems like their poll returned approximately 1/3rd disliked, 1/3rd wanted, and 1/3rd didn’t care. So they can probably have their cake and eat it too by waffling a bit on the issue to have both sides buying up their preferred content to “prove” to Disney the right way to go, even if they boycott the current “wrong” mindset, they may want to spend on their favored content to steer things. But those thirds still don’t reflect the nuance of how much they like/dislike to know if liking LGBT inclusion is a “good on them, even though I’m not that personally invested” or more “I will not give them a dime if they don’t have inclusion”.
Of course they may also be concerned about their place in a potential authoritarian state and aligning themselves is a way to avoid being a target. If after all of the doom and gloom turn out to be wrong and progressives come back in a few years, then they just have to have their logo be rainbow colored for a bit and have a few progressive characters and all will be forgiven.
The majority doesn’t approve of more LGBT characters either, it’s just Newsweek being intentionally misleading.
In summary, 36 percent disapproved in some form, 34 percent approved, while 31 percent neither approved nor disapproved, or didn’t know how they felt.
I’d venture the majority of people prefer a good story. When you shoehorn any elements into a story it distracts the audience. The Star Trek Beyond Lt Sulu scene is a good example it did not provide any character or story development. Many of the star wars shows have similar elements which hurt an all ready damaged story.
Because it’s not about majority rules but the bottom line.
In other words, those 30 some odd percent could be so disgusted by LGBT content that they will cancel. Or stir shit up and cause a boycott. Where as the majority just really doesn’t care one way or the other.
The majority may be vocal about this, but that doesn’t matter as long as the bottom line isn’t affected.
My interpretation is less about pandering to the perceived majority and more about avoiding drawing negative attention from the Trump/Musk administration which is clearly very petty and very receptive to virtue signals. Do they kiss the ring? They get special treatment. Do they do something perfectly within their rights that Trump doesn’t like? He’ll find some way to make them hurt for it and take whatever concessions they offer to avoid being hurt
because maga voters are more likely to send bomb threats
It’s Newsweek.
Is Disney publicly traded? Because you’re not taking into account stock trading in the insane-o market where speculation on possible public opinion can devalue a product by 100% for 2 days. They could be losing possible trade money if that 34% disapproval caused stockholders to short before other people sold and the prices go into freefall.
It all makes sense.
Is Trump going to compensate them for it??
I mean, considering his pettiness, probably. Either with carrot or stick, he wants to be heard and wants people to bend over backwards to gain his approval. In exchange, he might do a tax cut or two for those who manage to please him, while he’ll try to crush those who oppose him.
Nothing seems to be holy to these ‘Christians’. Some are making terrible jokes about all Muslims having to deal with the consequences of hell, because of their fake believe - Others are even joking about the holocaust… why do you even need a book if you have no morals?
Most Christians don’t read the Bible. Of those that do, most don’t understand it. Of those that do understand it, most aren’t Christians anymore.
Source: 5 years of seminary and 15 years of teaching scripture.
I hope this means that they have canceled the Snow White movie.
Nah, they just made her whiter and the dwarves a white supremacist survivalist militia.
I mean, my sister killed that movie for me when I was a kid, just like Little Mermaid.
But now that I have a choice, I choose not to watch those movies.
But if you want to change a German folklore story that was written in 1812 with a bunch of stupid ideologies, you can watch it all you want lol
Honestly I sometimes watch racist movies from the 50’s because of my dark sense of humor.
Disus Christ enters chat - because Disney and Jesus are now brothers.
Better headline, “Disney toes the line for Nazi scum, and Walt himself was a Nazi sympathiser even after Kristallnacht. EPCOT was his fascistic wet dream. Fuck Disney throughout time.”
Never heard of EPCOT before, quickly scanned over the Wikipedia article:
what’s the problem of that theme park?
Before he died, the idea of EPCOT was to create his vision of an actual city, not just a park attraction. I read a quote from him about it that seems very much in the vein of Mussolini’s idea of fascism as the fusion of corporate and state power,
“There will be no landowners and therefore no voting control. People will rent houses instead of buying them, and at modest rentals. There will be no retirees; everyone must be employed.”
Oh yeah they actually did make that Disney Town, it was a dystopian nightmare and failed horribly.
You love to see a business learn to fail faster.
That sounds like communism
Aahh, see? Now that is more problematic than the article about a folkloric world theme park I read.
But it’s also not exactly new, company towns were already a sad part of our reality. Luckily we got over it, but rich people of course always want to get back to it.
We never got over it, they just use 401ks to control our futures now, and corporate owned housing is why rents are too high for us to do anything but work, eat, scroll, and sleep. If we stop to protest we’re in danger of homelessness.
At this point there are only two rational viewpoints on the world situation.
- The system is broken and needs to be fixed
- The system is working as intended and must be destroyed
I aint exactly Robbie Rotten singing “We Are Number 1” if you catch my cold.
“Openly” as if Christians aren’t the dominant cultural and political group in the USA
I dont see how this is news there are millions of christians its not insane for one to show up in a disney movie, the trans argument is usually they are like .001% of the population but get more representation than the rest, I think its all stupid either way and the ppl making shit should be allowed to cast whatever fits their vision and not trends
Yeah, “demonstrably” or “obnoxiously” would probably be much more accurate…
It’ll be interesting to see a character following the teachings of Jesus Christ, like
- Luke 16:13 “You cannot serve both God and money.”
- Mark 10:21 “Go, sell everything you have and give to the poor”
- Matthew 5:39 “If anyone slaps you on the right cheek, turn to them the other cheek also.”
- Matthew 5:44 “love your enemies”
So there’s no chance the character will be a capitalist, troop-supporting, neo-Nazi. Right?
One of my personal favorites:
- Luke 12:46-48:
46 the master of that slave will come on a day when he does not expect him and at an hour he does not know, and will cut him in pieces, and assign him a place with the unbelievers. 47 And that slave who knew his master’s will and did not get ready or act in accord with his will, will receive many lashes, 48 but the one who did not know it, and committed deeds worthy of [d]a flogging, will receive but few. From everyone who has been given much, much will be required; and to whom they entrusted much, of him they will ask all the more.
Jesus sure loved his slaves, huh? Gives you guidelines on how to beat them. Told people to “love your enemies,” but clearly people you own don’t deserve that courtesy. He hung out with prostitutes, but was never able to disavow the practice of owning other humans as property? Kind of unacceptable imo.
The canonical Bible (the supposed ordained word of god) also include’s Paul’s further interpretation of Jesus’ teachings on slaves in…
- Ephesians 6:5–8:
5 Slaves, obey your earthly masters with respect and fear, and with sincerity of heart, just as you would obey Christ. 6 Obey them not only to win their favor when their eye is on you, but as slaves of Christ, doing the will of God from your heart. 7 Serve wholeheartedly, as if you were serving the Lord, not people, 8 because you know that the Lord will reward each one for whatever good they do, whether they are slave or free.
Jesus sure loved his slaves, huh? Gives you guidelines on how to beat them.
That passage you quoted is not giving guidelines on how to treat slaves, it is a parable using slaves as an example. Not saying the Bible is totally anti slavery, the second passage being pretty disgusting.
All he had to do was say, “don’t own people,” and yet…
Not saying the Bible is totally anti slavery,
The Bible is explicitly pro-slavery. It was literally used by slavers in the 19th century American South to justify and continue the practice of chattal slavery. They printed “slave Bibles” where all mentions of anything related to “freedom” were removed, and the focus was on teaching obedience and submission.
What a thing for an “all-powerful” god to facilitate. Even if he were real and simply allowed his holy book to be used for such an evil purpose is enough for me to say “yeah, no thanks.”
Do you think that Christianity became the religion of imperialism out of coincidence?